Student Conference Travel Fund

About the Student Conference Travel Fund 

Funds are available for students traveling to present academic work at a conference or professional meeting. Students may apply for the Student Conference Travel Fund to support their academic related travel expenses.

Awards vary with a maximum amount of $250. Students may receive one award per academic year. 

Funds may be used for conference registration fees, lodging, and travel expenses such as Evergreen van rental (if authorized), airline, or train tickets. Funds may be not used for food or mileage reimbursement on a personal vehicle.

Funds are limited, requests for funds will be denied once they are exhausted. 



Student applicants must be:

  • A currently enrolled Evergreen undergraduate or graduate student
  • Presenting work connected to an academic program, course, or participation in Individual Learning Contracts

How to Apply

Applications should be sent as a word or pdf document to Requests must be received at least two weeks before the travel date. 

Applications must include:

  • Full name and A#
  • Contact information
  • Title of presentation
  • A brief description of the conference or meeting
  • Place(s) and date(s) of travel
  • Benefit expected from participation in the conference or meeting
  • Brief letter of support from the faculty that sponsored the academic work
  • Cost breakdown of what the funds will be used for (transportation, conference registration, any other expenses)
  • Any other sources of funding being used to cover expenses