Each policy has an identified steward who keeps the policy current. For questions about a specific policy, please contact the appropriate steward.
Board of Trustees
- Board of Trustees By-Laws
- Delegation of Authority - Board Policy
- Policy #01 Mission Statement
- Policy #02 Presidential Limitations
- Policy #03 Board-President Relationship
- Policy #04 Statement of Board Process
- Policy #05 Presidential Evaluation
- Policy #06 Tuition Policy Statement
- Policy #07 Emeritus Status
- Policy #08 Establishment of a Commissioned Campus Police Force (Resolution No. 92-5)
- Policy #09 Guidelines Governing Establishment of Funding of Programs Supported by Service and Activities Fees
- Policy #10 Retired Faculty Reemployment Policy and Procedures
- Policy #11 Diversity Statement
- Policy #12 Strikes (Resolution No. 79-1)
- Policy #14 Community Representatives to the Board of Trustees
- Policy #15 Public Comment
Faculty Handbook
- Policy #01 Mission Statement
- 1.000 Preface
- 2.100 Organization of the College
- 2.200 Academic Organization
- 2.210 Faculty Meeting
- 2.300 Academic Deans
- 2.301 Academic Deans: Terms and Compensation
- 2.302 Academic Deans: Selection Process
- 2.303 Administrative Oversight of Faculty Members
- 2.400 Academic Program Coordinators, Planning Unit Coordinators, Directors and Chairpersons
- 3.100 Student Conduct Code
- 3.200 Social Contract
- 3.300 Affirmative Action
- 3.35 Non-Discrimination Policy and Procedure
- 3.400 Faculty Reduction in Force Policy (Please see CBA.)
- 3.500 Sexual Harassment
- 4.100 Categories of Faculty Membership (Please see CBA.)
- 4.200 Faculty Recruitment and Appointment
- 4.300 Faculty Reappointment (Please see CBA.)
- 4.400 Library Faculty Reappointment (Please see CBA.)
- 4.600 Mid-Contract Termination With Adequate Cause (MCTWAC) (Please see CBA.)
- 4.700 Conflict Resolution
- 5.100 Salary Guidelines for Members of the Faculty (Please see CBA.)
- 5.110 Sick Leave: Faculty Employees (Please see CBA.)
- 5.150 Compensation for Adjunct Faculty Teaching Courses (Please see CBA.)
- 5.200 Retirement and Insurance (Please see CBA.)
- 5.300 Emeritus Faculty
- 5.400 Resource Faculty
- 6.000 Good Standing Policy for Faculty (Please see CBA.)
- 6.100 Professional Leave Policy (Please see CBA.)
- 6.150 Leave of Absence Without Pay (Please see CBA.)
- 6.200 Professional Travel (Please see CBA.)
- 6.300 Faculty Development Activities
- 6.400 Collective Faculty Commitment to Racial Equity
- 6.500 Patents and Copyrights
- 6.600 Consulting and External Work (Please see CBA.)
- 7.100 Curriculum and Structure (Please see CBA.)
- 7.101 Creation of New Planning Units
- 7.110 Curricular Areas
- 7.120 Teaching Modes
- 7.130 Curriculum Planning
- 7.140 Faculty Seminar (Please see CBA.)
- 7.200 Cooperative Education
- 7.300 Prior Learning Programs
- 7.310 Prior Learning From Experience (PLE)
- 7.320 Upside Down Degree Program
- 7.330 Non-Traditional Credit
- 7.400 Overseas Program
- 7.600 Credit, Evaluations and Standing
- 7.605 Combined Undergraduate and Graduate Degree Programs
- 7.610 Credit and Portfolios
- 7.615 Upper Division Credit Designation
- 7.620 Evaluation Writing
- 7.622 Timely Evaluations of Students' Work
- 7.624 Student Self-Evaluations
- 7.625 Policy and Procedure on Reporting Incompletes
- 7.626 Quarter Hour Credit Award
- 7.630 Completion of Academic Work
- 7.650 Interim Academic Standing Policy for Students
- 7.660 Amending Student Records
- 7.700 Use of Human Subjects
- 7.800 Release of Student Information
- 8.100 Academic Field Trip
- 8.200 Academic Field Trips/Travel
- Accessible Technology
- Accounts Receivable Collections
- Air Quality
- Appropriate Use of Information Technology Resources
- Art Collection Policy
- Bad Debt Write-Off
- Budget Policy Adoption and Amendments
- Budget Process
- Cash Handling
- Cellular Device Policy
- College Endowment Investment and Spending
- College Investment
- Computer Inventory and Replacement Policy
- Conference Services
- Course Materials - Cost Savings
- Developing and Approving College Policies
- Enrollment Services
- Establishing or Changing the Amount or Purpose of Service Charges, Fees, Fines and Penalties
- Ethics
- Financial Disclosure for Federally-Funded Grant Projects
- Fixed Assets
- Foundation, The Evergreen State College
- Fundraising
- Furniture Purchasing
- Greenhouse Gas Reduction
- Hazing Prevention
- Immigrant Rights and Non-Discrimination Policy
- Indirect Costs
- Interim Voluntary Temporary Layoff or FTE Reduction
- Key Issues and Access Control
- Marketing Credit/Debit Cards on Campus
- Meals and Light Refreshments
- Motor Pool
- Naming of Facilities and Memorials
- OFM Policies and Regulations
- Paper Purchasing
- Parking Regulations WAC 174-116
- Petty Cash Funds
- Posting Policy and Procedures
- Purchasing
- Purchasing Card Policy
- Reasonable Accommodation in Employment
- Registered Offender Notification Policy
- Reporting Misappropriation of Public Resources
- Research Misconduct
- Right to Know Hazard Communication
- Shared Leave
- Space Usage
- Special Class/Course Fees
- Student Complaint policy
- Students with Disabilities
- Telecommunications
- Telework
- TESC Organization and Structure
- Title IX
- Travel Policy
- Union Contract (WFSE) (PDF)
- Use of the College Wordmark
- Weapons Prohibited
- Web Accessibility
- 3.200 Social Contract
- 3.300 Affirmative Action
- 3.35 Non-Discrimination Policy and Procedure
- 4.700 Conflict Resolution
- Policy #01 Mission Statement
- Accessible Technology
- Athletic Participation - Student Loss of Eligibility
- Event Security and Safety
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
- Financial Aid - WAC 174-132
- Financial Aid, Return of Funds
- Hazing Prevention
- Holidays for Reasons of Faith or Conscience - Students
- Housing
- Recreation - Athletic Participation
- Registered Offender Notification Policy
- Registration Audit Policy
- Residency Policy and Checklist
- Serving Food on Campus
- Social Security Number Usage
- Special Class/Course Fees
- Student Communications Media
- Student Employee Disciplinary Action and Termination
- Student Employee Grievance Procedure
- Student Mural Policy
- Student Required Medical Leave of Absence
- Students with Disabilities
- Substance Abuse and Prevention
- Title IX
- Undergraduate Satisfactory Academic Progress
- 3.100 Student Conduct Code
- 3.200 Social Contract
- 7.600 Credit, Evaluations and Standing
- 7.650 Interim Academic Standing Policy for Students
- Policy #09 Guidelines Governing Establishment of Funding of Programs Supported by Service and Activities Fees
- Accessible Technology
- Alcohol and Drug-Free Workplace
- Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting
- Computer Inventory and Replacement Policy
- COVID-19 Vaccination Policy
- Criminal Background Checks
- Domestic Violence in the Workplace
- Educational Benefits
- Employee Benefits
- End of Appointment for Exempt Non-Faculty Staff
- Ethics
- Exempt Evaluation
- Exempt Post Retiree Re-Employment
- Exempt, Non-Represented Staff Appointment Policy
- Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Policy Statement
- Foster Parent Shared Leave Pool (FPSLP) Policy
- Hazing Prevention
- Health and Safety Policy
- I-9 Federal Immigration Reform Control Act of 1986, amended
- Interim Voluntary Temporary Layoff or FTE Reduction
- Layoff Procedure for Non-Represented Classified Staff
- Leave
- Out-of-State Worker Policy
- Outside Employment
- Overtime and Compensatory Time - Non-Represented Exempt Staff
- Paid Sick Leave
- Probationary/Trial Service Period for Non-Represented Classified Employees
- Reasonable Accommodation in Employment
- Registered Offender Notification Policy
- Relocation Compensation
- Shared Leave
- Social Security Number Usage
- Student Employee Disciplinary Action and Termination
- Student Employee Grievance Procedure
- Suspended Operations
- Telework
- Title IX
- Uniformed Services Shared Leave Pool (USSLP) Policy
- Union Contract (WFSE) (PDF)
- Veterans In-State Service Shared Leave Pool (VISSLP) Policy
- Whistleblower - College Policy
- Whistleblower - State Auditors Office
- Workplace Violence
- 3.200 Social Contract
- 3.300 Affirmative Action
- 3.35 Non-Discrimination Policy and Procedure