Services and Events

The Washington Center offers a range of services and programs aligned with its mission to improve undergraduate education through support for higher education organizations and institutions.

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Our resource faculty consult with individuals and small teams to investigate institutional needs and goals and develop practical strategies for progress. Consultations are led by skillful coaches and are tailored to your needs.


Customized professional development workshops on various topics to support your team’s success. Work with your facilitator to define your team’s needs, and we will design a responsive and engaging experience. 

Virtual, in-person, half-day, and full-day options available.

Action Planning Institutes

Campus-based action planning institutes facilitate the development of two-year action plans with cross-divisional teams. Institutes are lead by experienced faculty who will come to your campus for four-days of focused work with you and your team. 

Contact us to learn more about our affordable rates

Washington Center Collaborative

Founded in 2020 as the home for ongoing virtual collaboration, our team of resource faculty and higher education professionals across the country offer monthly free virtual workshops during the academic year, a monthly newsletter, and an online community of colleagues.