Professional Certificate

Advanced Tribal Relations

Gain the confidence and skills needed to collaborate with tribal leadership. This certificate is for non-admitted students offered in partnership with WA DES.

Contact and location

Credits & Duration

  • 12 CEUs
  • 120 hours, 3 quarters


Start Term

  • Fall


  • Varies by course - see catalog

What You'll Learn

Gain the confidence and skills needed to collaborate with tribal leadership. This three-quarter professional certificate is designed for current and aspiring Tribal Liaisons and other positions that interact directly with Washington State tribes.

You will learn:

  • Treaties, tribal histories, sovereignty and co-management
  • Roles and responsibilities in government-to-government relations
  • Culturally competent practices for sustainable relationships
  • Case studies, current issues and legal precedents
  • Tribal enterprises, agencies and economic development  

Certificate Coursework

This certificate consists of both in-person and online classes and a day-long, in-person excursion to a NW Washington tribe each quarter. 

Certificate Prerequisite

Before taking the first course in this certificate, students must take a one-day course: Government to Government Training 

This course is sponsored by the Governor's Office of Indian Affairs (GOIA). Students will need to register through the Department of Enterprise Services.

Department of Enterprise Services Courses 

Context of Tribal Relations in Washington State: Culture, Sovereignty, and Resilience - Fall Quarter
History and Practice of Government-to-Government Relations: State, Tribal, Federal - Winter Quarter 
Case Studies: Policies in Co-Management and Trends in State-Tribal-Federal Relationships - Spring Quarter