Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Disability Film Series W25: DFS: Your Friend, Memphis

4:00pm - 6:50pm
SEM 2 A1105 - Lecture

The Disability Film Series is a monthly screening and discussion event to promote awareness around the multi-faceted aspects of disability. Event organizers include staff from the Library, TRIO, Access Services, and Academic Technologies. We welcome students, faculty, and staff to attend and join in community and conversation. 

Our Fall Film Program 

  • Jan 17th (Friday) TBD: "Wizard Mode" or "Your Friend, Memphis" - 4pm to 7pm, Sem 2 B-1105  
  • Feb 17th (Monday) TBD: "Wizard Mode" or "Your Friend, Memphis" - 4pm to 7pm, Sem 2 B-1105 
  • March 17th (Monday) “Vision Portraits” - 4pm to 7pm, Sem 2 B-1105 

Unable to make a screening? These films are available through Evergreen’s Kanopy collection (streaming service, https://evergreen.kanopy.com - use same login info as used for My Evergreen) 

Email irishb@evergreen.edu with any questions!
18/02/25 04:00pm - 18/02/25 06:50pm