This course is the applied component of the Trauma-Informed Engagement and Healing Certificate. Students will continue building their foundations of healing-centered practice while reflecting on their own experiences with the larger themes of the certificate. Using an authoethnographic method of research and analysis, students will write a synthesis paper exploring a central theme or theory from the curriculum and connect their analysis with experiences from their professional lives or other previous experience. The synthesis paper will allow students to apply the practices they were introduced to in the foundations course and further expand their capacities for trust-building and interpersonal communication. Students will have the opportunity to present the final project in the form of a podcast, 'zine, annotated collection, or an alternate format in consultation with faculty. This is the third and final course in the Trauma Informed Engagement and Healing Certificate.
Academic Details
This offering is connected to the Trauma-Informed Engagement and Healing Certificate at Evergreen.