In this internship, students learn about the restoration ecology of south Puget Sound prairies through independent research and hands-on field work. A commitment is required to work from 24 to 35 hours per week as an intern with Dr. Sarah Hamman, restoration ecologist with Ecostudies Institute. Field time is primarily focused on vegetation monitoring for a suite of projects, such as: 1) grazing impacts on native plant communities, 2) herbicide effects on native and non-native species, and 3) influence of indigenous camas harvesting on prairie communities. Students work in a four-person team, including an Ecostudies team lead, an Americorps member and another intern from the Evergreen State College. As a part of their independent work, students read over ten prairie-based scientific articles and write multiple short responses and a final synthesis paper based on the assigned readings and field experience. Overall, through participating in ongoing restoration research projects with Ecostudies throughout the term, students gain field experience with plant identification, vegetation monitoring methods, data management, and the overall ecological restoration process.
Prior coursework in the use of technical dichotomous keys for the purpose of identifying unknown plants and sight recognition skills in plant families required. Familiarity with both local native plants and south Puget Sound prairies preferred but not required.
Interested students should email faculty sponsor prior to Academic Fair at the end winter quarter articulating how they have met the requirements and describing the skills they would bring to the work.
Academic Details
restoration ecology; natural resource management
upper division science credit in restoration ecology awarded if earned
Development of a portfolio of botanical portraits of plants from the prairies and/or oak woodlands executed in pen and ink using stippling style for shading. Plants will be assigned based on what is needed for the illustrated field guide in progress. Students with InDesign skills interested in working on the second edition who meet the other requirements of the SOS applicants are strongly encouraged to apply.