Prior Learning from Experience Preparatory

Spring Open
Class Standing
Paul McCreary

Evergreen’s “Prior Learning from Experience" program supports adult students as they earn academic credits and work to complete a degree by demonstrating their learning and experience in the workplace, community, and the vital learning that occurs outside of the classroom. In the class, students learn to do research, write formal essays, and compile support materials in an academic portfolio that provides evidence of how their professional learning and experience meet college equivalences and expectations. Students form a community of peers who collaborate, give and receive feedback, and share their work in and out of class. Through research, workshops, readings, seminars, and meetings with faculty, librarians, and staff, adult students gain the academic vocabulary of their professional experience and learn to write scholarly reflections that demonstrate how much academic learning they have accomplished through professional work and volunteerism.

PLE students are expected to take 4 credits of PLE Preparatory, either in a single 4-credit course or, new this year, a two-quarter sequence of 2-credit preparatory courses. Students who choose to complete PLE Preparatory over two quarters must complete it within a period spanning three quarters.

After the successful completion of this class, students can register for PLE Document Writing for 2 credits per quarter as they develop a professional portfolio of their work for submission and review by Evergreen faculty. Since PLE credits may be awarded concurrently with other academic credits earned before and while attending Evergreen, the PLE program can significantly speed time to degree for motivated students.

The PLE course will be taught online using Zoom and Canvas as students work virtually to develop an engaged, interactive learning community. To successfully participate in this program, students must have reliable internet access. Students will meet with the faculty and program librarian and will organize online groups outside of class. Students must plan to attend 3 hours of synchronous (scheduled) class per week on Zoom. If they are registered for 4 credits, they will attend every week on either Monday evenings or Friday evenings, 6pm-9pm. However, if they are registered for 2 credits, they will only attend for the first five weeks and will choose either Monday evenings or Friday evenings, 6pm-9pm. Check with the faculty if you have special conditions.

Olympia students register for PLE Prep Spring quarter using CRNs 30237 (4 credits) or 30238 (2 credits).

Tacoma students register for PLE Prep Spring quarter using CRNs 30239 (4 credits) or 30240 (2 credits).



Course Reference Numbers
(4): 30237
(2): 30238
(4): 30239
(2): 30240

Academic Details



Remote (S)

See definition of Hybrid, Remote, and In-Person instruction

Schedule Details