Sea Science: Understanding the Oceans Through a Study of Introductory Oceanography and Chemistry

Fall Open
Class Standing
Gerardo Chin-Leo
Lydia McKinstry

The oceans comprise most of the biosphere and marine chemical processes affect the global carbon cycle and climate. In this introductory level one-quarter program we will present fundamental concepts in oceanography and chemistry needed to understand selected ocean characteristics and phenomena. These will include case studies on the composition and dynamics of seawater, adaptations of marine organisms and their productivity, marine pollution, and climate change/ocean acidification. The chemistry needed to examine these topics will include basic properties and composition of matter, redox reactions, and simple acid-base chemistry. Program activities will include lectures, problem-solving workshops, laboratories, field trips, and student presentations. Most of our readings, discussions and assignments will be concerned with critically evaluating the scientific information on the selected topics of study. This work will emphasize quantitative reasoning as well as the development of proficient writing and speaking skills.

This is a non-repeating lower division program intended for students seeking to gain an introduction to science, as well as practice with the quantitative methods used in chemistry and oceanography. Strong algebra skills are required to be successful in this work. This program is also appropriate for students seeking to study science as part of a liberal arts education, it is not intended as a prerequisite for upper-division work in science. This program prepares you for entry-level science programs and courses such as Integrated Natural Science and Introduction to Environmental Studies.

This program is coordinated with Greener Foundations for first-year students. Greener Foundations is Evergreen’s in-person introductory student success course, which provides first-year students with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive at Evergreen. Students expected to take Greener Foundations should use CRN 10026 to register for a 2-credit Greener Foundations course in addition to this 14-credit program. When using this CRN students will take additional steps to complete their registration, more information can be found at the Greener Foundations Registration Help Wiki.

First-year students who are not expected to take Greener Foundations or have been granted an exemption should use CRN 10025 to register for this program. Find more details about who isn't expected to take Greener Foundations on the Greener Foundations website.

Anticipated Credit Equivalencies:

7 - Introductory Chemistry

7 - Introductory Oceanography


Course Reference Numbers

Fr - So (14): 10025
Fr (14): 10026

Academic Details


$70 fee covers an aquarium trip ($20) and a lab access fee ($50)


In Person (F)

See definition of Hybrid, Remote, and In-Person instruction

Schedule Details
LAB 2 1223A - CAL West