Studio Art: Form, Story, Culture

Fall Open
Class Standing
Arlen Speights

This entry-level visual arts program will emphasize studio experience and cultural studies. Through this course we will address a range of visual languages, design strategies, and traditions employed by various communities, including Latinx and Northwest Coast Native design history and traditions. These approaches to images and objects are quite different from conventional, western ideas about “Art” that are primarily aesthetically pleasing or focused on self-expression. By critically examining regional, historical, and contemporary understandings of art, craft, and design, students will be able to see their work as taking part of ongoing practices that will shape the future of art.

The program is designed to support both students who plan to concentrate their studies in the visual arts, as well as those who are curious about the skills and knowledge necessary for sustained creative work. No prior art experience necessary -- enthusiasm, resilience, good organization, and a strong work ethic are required. Students should be prepared to dedicate at least 40 hours per week to studio projects, and rigorous reading and writing on topics related to the concepts of art, craft, and design, as well as the functions, legacies, and histories surrounding objects and images.

The fall and winter quarters will provide students with two studio experiences, as well as design and drawing workshops. Students will work to create images and objects that relate to their personal material histories and identities in one of the studios during fall quarter, switching to the other medium in winter.

Students will need to be able to travel to the Olympia campus 3 days each week to participate in required studio class sessions and scheduled independent homework sessions in each studio.

This program is coordinated with Greener Foundations for first-year students. Greener Foundations is Evergreen’s in-person 2-quarter introductory student success course sequence, which provides first-year students with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive at Evergreen. Student joining in winter quarter that are expected to take Greener Foundations will be prompted to register for a 2-credit Greener Foundations course in addition to this 14-credit program during registration. Students that took Greener Foundations in fall quarter will be automatically registered in winter quarter to complete the 4-credits of Greener Foundations.


New students will be be expected to read principle fall quarter readings prior to the start of winter quarter.

Course Reference Numbers
So (14): 20142
Fr (14): 20143

Course Reference Numbers

So (14): 10238
Fr (14): 10239

Academic Details

visual arts and design.


$140 per quarter  covers studio access fee ($100) and day field trips ($40). 

Students can spend up to $100 for studio materials each quarter. Costs may vary depending on student's individual scale of their projects.


In Person (F)
In Person (W)

See definition of Hybrid, Remote, and In-Person instruction

Schedule Details
SEM 2 C2105 - Workshop