“The Secret Life of Plants” is an introductory program that serves as an overview of the evolution and diversity of plants with an emphasis on the vast array of chemical compounds, known as secondary metabolites, that are utilized by humans for food, medicine, poison, and spiritual ceremony. The first half of the quarter covers a traditional botany curriculum in which students will survey the major groups of the Plant Kingdom (bryophytes, seedless vascular plants, gymnosperms, and angiosperms). Students will examine the form and function of plant organs, cells, and tissues, and study plant life cycles, growth, development and physiology through weekly readings, lectures and in-person labs.
The second half of the quarter will focus “the secret life of plants” — the remarkable chemical and biological processes that allow plants to communicate with one another, attract mates and beneficial partners and avoid their enemies. Students will learn about the major classes of secondary metabolites and their diverse biological activities and ecological functions through lectures and readings. In labs, students will learn plant chemistry methods for the preparation of medicinal extracts and as well as bioassay techniques for measuring the biological activities of plant extracts. Students will maintain a lab notebook and learn to prepare a basic lab report. In addition to labs, students will conduct library research, write a research paper on a topic of their choice related to “the secret life of plants” and present this research to the class. Through these program activities, students will practice science communication skills and gain experience with reading and evaluating peer-reviewed papers and other primary sources.
This program is appropriate for students interested in biology, with an emphasis on plants, and also for more advanced students pursuing degrees in botany, health and medicine or environmental studies. Juniors and Seniors wanting to enter the program should contact the faculty member (calabril-at-evergreen.edu) in order to get a signature override)
Anticipated Credit Equivalencies
6 - Basic Botany
6 - Introduction to Plant Chemistry
2 - Introduction to Medicinal Botany
2 - Library Research
Academic Details
$100 fee covers project supplies ($50) and lab fee ($50)