Instruction in keeping a nature journal will be given to record field and lab observations. Students will learn to sight identify thirty common Pacific Northwest native deciduous trees and shrubs during the dormant season. Multiple plant walks will be offered in the campus' teaching gardens and forest reserves over the quarter as weather permits. In addition to fieldwork, students will study herbarium specimens and use dissecting microscopes in the lab to examine fresh specimens.
Those enrolled for four credits will also hone their use of dichotomous keys to identify woody plants based on winter twig characteristics.
Anticipated Credit Equivalencies:
2* or 4* Winter Twig Identification
*upper division science possible
Academic Details
botany, ecological restoration, forestry, plant taxonomy, wetland delineation
$70 fee covers Twig identification cards ($20) and a required lab use fee ($50)
Upper division science credit will be awarded based on test scores and the field journal. Students seeking four credits must also demonstrate the ability to identify an unknown deciduous tree or shrub in dormancy using a technical dichotomous key.