CCAS Internships

Students working together outside

Student Internships

Internships can be powerful opportunities to add focus to your time at Evergreen while building marketable career skills and community connections. Connect with us to learn how we can support your ideas and goals. Contact the Internship Office for more information.

Current Internship Organizations

Internship Office Assistant Director
Luis Apolaya Torres |

Community Internships

We connect students with community partners off-campus, providing additional opportunities for professional development and immersive career exploration. Each internship is unique and students will work with local organizations to meet their specific needs and the needs of the communities they are serving.

Internships are available for up to 19 hours per week and student interns must be enrolled in at least 2-credits of Climate and Sustainability Internships.

View current internships by searching "CCAS" on Handshake.

Student Designed Internships

While we offer a variety of research and internship opportunities we know Evergreen students have their own ideas. We are interested in working with students to pursue their unique goals.

Student designed internships can be paid, and/or for credit (depending on Work Study award) as either an Independent Learning Contract (ILC) or an Internship Learning Contract (INT). Learn more about independent and internship learning contracts on Individual Study.

Host an Internship
Become a Community Partner 

We would love to work with you to host an internship. Fill out an Internship Interest Form to get started. 

Partner Internship Interest Form (MS Form)