I study and teach the languages, literature, philosophy, art, and history of Ancient Greece and Rome, as well as Byzantine, Medieval and Early Modern Greece and Italy. Homer, Aeschylus, Plato, Thucydides, Aristotle, Virgil, Ovid, the New Testament, Dante, and Petrarch often appear on my syllabi. My program faculty teams have included historians, artists, natural and social scientists, archaeologists, and writers. Every three years or so I take students on a study abroad in Greece and Italy.
Ph.D., Classical Studies, Indiana University, 1998; M.A., Classical Studies, Indiana University, 1993; B.A., Classical Studies, Earlham College, 1991.
Teaching Style
Students in my programs and courses should expect to read primary texts in their entirety, to discuss them, and engage them in interpretive and creative writing, as well as visual representation and performance. We treat these works not merely as artifacts that help us learn about past thinkers and cultures but as vital sources of wisdom and viable explanations of human behavior and culture. I hope to support students in their understanding of texts and monuments and to help them develop their skills in reading, visual analysis, and composition.