I am a physical chemist. I teach first-year and senior chemistry courses.
I have developed laboratory experiments and published in the Journal of Chemical Education (two cover page articles). In 2017, I published a chemistry workbook, Mole Concepts and Stoichiometry (Linus Publishers).
I received the Associated Women in Science (AWIS) Award for Excellence in STEM Education/Outreach (Seattle Chapter, 2022), and The E. Ann Nalley Northwest Region Award for Volunteer Service to the American Chemical Society (2023). The Evergreen State College recognized me with the Burlington Northern Faculty Achievement Award (1993) and the College President’s Faculty Achievement Award (2014).
I am a councilor for the Puget Sound Section of the American Chemical Society (ACS). I am also a career consultant and a member of the Local Section Activities and Public Relations Committees (Chemical Education Division) of the ACS.
I love engaging my students in science outreach activities in the local community.
Ph.D., Physical Chemistry, University of Arizona, 1989; B.S., Chemistry, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 1983.
Teaching Style
I believe that everyone willing to put forth the effort can learn. I am here to help you learn chemistry. For complex concepts, I can help you break them down into manageable parts, so you can make progress. I enjoy working with students one-on-one, as well as in a classroom setting. Because chemistry is a laboratory science, I put a lot of effort into designing experiments. I am also eager to help your journey from college to life afterward.