Lin Crowley


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I have been teaching Chinese language and culture while incorporating media making and presentation in our learning. In the past I have taught programs such as "Immigration studies of US" and "East meets West". I am currently serving as the chair for the Asian Pacific Islanders Coalition of South Puget Sound, and I also serve on the Language Access Advisory Committee for the state of Washington. I recognize that language justice is a foundation for strong community engagement and encourage all to join the learning community to create a more harmonious community.


M.P.A., Public Policy, The Evergreen State College, 2007; M.A., Communications, Speech & Radio Television, South Dakota State University, 1983; B.A., News Editing & Reporting, The World College of Journalism (Taiwan), 1980.

Teaching Style

I like to explore, identify and recognize all of my students’ learning styles in order to provide the most suitable way of teaching in the classroom. Therefore, my teaching methods and materials may be adjusted to suit the students’ learning styles in hope to result on an effective language and culture learning.

Path Affiliation

Fields of Study