Greetings, I am Dr. Mingxia Li, also known as the poet Zhang Er. I am from China and joined Evergreen as a faculty member in 2004. I was trained as a physician in China and obtained my Ph.D. in Molecular Pharmacology in Oncological Research from Cornell University. I also write poetry in Chinese and translate American poetry into Chinese. You can find more of my poetry work in English translation from Evergreen Library. At Evergreen I am teaching Human Biology, Public Health, and Chinese Poetry/Cultural Studies.
Ph.D., Molecular Pharmacology, Cornell University Graduate School of Medical Sciences, 1992; M.S., Pharmacology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, 1986; M.D., Capital Medical College, Beijing, 1982.
Teaching Style
My classroom tends to be student centered discussion seminars, with brief introductory lectures. I sometimes pose questions to start the discussion and usually play a facilitator's role. I consistently give students feedback in their investigation and work tailored to their effort, direction, and need. I believe learning only happens when it is led by curiosity. How to cultivate students' curiosity while enhancing their academic skills is my constant concern.