Steve Blakeslee '86 has been teaching writing and literature at Evergreen for 27 years. As a student at Evergreen, Steve studied environmental studies and received his Bachelors degree in 1986. In 1991 he attended the University of Washington and earned his Masters in English.
Steve shares his thoughts on teaching, " I help students hone their general skills as readers, writers, listeners, speakers, thinkers, and team members. Finally, I always consider myself a student of our mutual topic, building understandings alongside you".
Professor Blakeslee's academic interests focus on literary classics of 19th and 20th century fiction, autobiographical accounts, and graphic novels. Steve shares, "my own creative work and occasional publications include poetry, fables, personal essays, memoir, and translation". Recently he completed a stay at the Whiteley Center where he spent time working on his current book project, Dad’s Diary: An Autobiographical Collage.
In addition to teaching and his own writing pursuits, Professor Blakeslee is a faculty advisor for Evergreen's student-run literary magazine, Slightly West, which he helped to launch in 1986.