At its last meeting of 2023, The Evergreen State College’s Board of Trustees, in an action to incentivize the retention of current college president John Carmichael, voted to extend his contract through June 2027 and to add a deferred compensation component to his compensation.
Board members expressed much appreciation for Carmichael’s successful leadership in achieving significant enrollment growth, expansion of student housing to accommodate more students, broadening of the curriculum, increases in philanthropic contributions, improvements to the college’s finances and numerous upgrades to infrastructure. These and many more successes constitute the motivation of the Board to retain him beyond his current contract June 2025 expiration date.
President Carmichael expressed appreciation to the many in the college he has worked with who have contributed their leadership talents to bringing about these successes. These include executive leadership, faculty, staff and students.
Following the meeting, Board Chair Karen Fraser stated, “It is a pleasure to work with President Carmichael. The Board is exceptionally pleased with his thoughtful leadership style and his many successes that have advanced the college. Students, faculty, staff and the communities served by the college will benefit significantly from his continuing commitment.”