President Biden signs $2.1 Million Funding Boost to Enhance STEM Education Programs at Evergreen

Apr 09, 2024
Press Release
Students doing science labs

OLYMPIA – In a landmark effort in bolstering STEM education initiatives, spearheaded by U.S. Senator, Patty Murray, The Evergreen State College has been awarded $2.1 million in funding through the FY24 appropriations bills signed by President Biden on March 9. This significant allocation underscores the federal government's commitment to advancing science education and empowering students to excel in critical fields.

The funding helps build a foundation for Evergreen to continue advancing science education programs, marking a pivotal moment in the institution's commitment to providing students with cutting-edge resources and hands-on learning experiences. With a focus on enhancing STEM offerings, the college will invest in state-of-the-art scientific and computing equipment, facilitating immersive learning opportunities that align with industry demands. 

"At Evergreen, we believe in the power of education to transform lives and drive innovation," said Dr. John Carmichael, Evergreen President. "This generous funding allows us to build upon our successful STEM curriculum and equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in a rapidly evolving landscape." 

Central to Evergreen's mission is its dedication to inclusivity and diversity and the college is uniquely positioned to provide STEM education of the highest quality to students from all backgrounds. By investing in updated equipment and resources, Evergreen aims to foster an environment where every student can succeed and contribute meaningfully to the world around them. 

"Our commitment to diversity and equity is at the core of everything we do," added Carmichael. "We are grateful to U.S. Senator Patty Murray for putting forth this appropriation. With this funding, we will further our efforts to ensure that every student has access to top-tier STEM education and the opportunity to pursue rewarding careers in high-demand fields." 

Evergreen's comprehensive STEM curriculum encompasses a wide range of disciplines, including computing, environmental studies, climate change research, geographic information systems, mycological studies, cybersecurity, biomedical research and preparation for advanced healthcare degrees. Additionally, the college is set to launch several STEM-related certificate programs, offering shorter-term options for individuals to secure and advance in their future careers. 

The $2.1 million funding is a milestone in Evergreen's ongoing commitment to excellence in education and innovation. As the college continues pushing the boundaries of STEM education, it remains steadfast in its mission to empower students and drive progress in Washington's economy and beyond. 

For more information about The Evergreen State College, please visit
