Get Involved in Your Campus Community
Find ways to use your voice and advocate for student needs. Learn how to be a leader and work together to shape the future.
Who We Are
The GSU is the official representation of the student body at The Evergreen State College. The GSU is committed to unifying students across all Evergreen campuses, serving their interests at the local, state and national levels and empowering all students to participate in positive social and political change while fostering a fair and diverse community. The GSU works to improve students’ quality of life by advocating for student rights and needs, facilitating communication among students, and ensuring a fair balance of power among faculty, staff, administration and students.
What We Do
- Advocate for the student body to faculty, staff, and administrators
- Lobby for student-centered legislation at the state capitol
- Educate the campus on issues students are facing and work students are doing
- Demonstrate leadership to other students
- Help build a stronger and more connected community
- Work together to improve the college
Board Meetings and Reports
Weekly GSU Board of Representatives meetings are Mondays, 3:30 - 5 pm. in CAB 301 and on Zoom.
For meeting notes and reports see the Geoduck Student Union Wordpress site.