Assistive Technology Lab

Available Technology

The Lab is supplied with CCTV, ergonomic keyboards, alternative mice, keyboards with large letters and Dragon-certified headsets for dictation. The Lab also has three computers with scanners on adjustable height tables loaded with the following software:

  • NVDA: A free, open source, globally accessible screen reader for the blind and vision impaired.
  • Dragon Naturally Speaking: Speech Recognition, STT
  • Inspiration: Executive function support, visual and organizational

About Assistive Technology

What exactly is assistive technology? Assistive Technology includes software, hardware and strategies to help students succeed academically. There are many different kinds of assistive technology that may be useful based on your need. 

  • Screen Reader or Text-to-Speech (TTS): A software application that interprets what is being displayed on the screen (headings, text, hyperlinks and accessible photos), then presents it to the user with text-to-speech.
  • Speech Recognition or Speech-to-Text (STT): Translates spoken words into text. It is also known as "automatic speech recognition", "speech to text" or just "STT" and is used to dictate text or control a computer.
  • Executive Function Support Software: Assists with organizational tasks, time management, planning and mind mapping, visual learning and thinking.
  • Screen Magnifier Software: Application that visually magnifies everything on a computer screen.
  • Daisy Reader: Software or hardware used for listing to daisy formatted books. Used for students with visual impairment or learning disabilities.


Microsoft Immersive Reader: Available in Canvas, Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Edge.