Assessment & Instruction

Autism Spectrum Disorder Key Characteristics and Inclusive Instruction
(15 clock hours, $60)

The content for this course uses materials from the IRIS Center to take participants through autism spectrum disorder (ASD) from a variety of perspectives. Participants will understand the characteristics of individuals with ASD, become familiar with evidence based practices and instructional strategies to support students with ASD, and learn practical ways to build productive and collaborative relationships with families.

Beyond Compliance: Using Strengths and Needs for Instructional Planning
(18 clock hours, $72)

The content for this course was originally part of the Special Education Consistency Index (SECI) training that was required to be able to use the SECI platform. The SECI platform was discontinued, however, the content from what was Module Two continues to be requested for staff training. The focus of the original course content was the Evaluation Review Tool and IEP Review Tool. This revised course will use the original documents and videos for these tools and take this learning further into application. 

Classroom Assessment: Progress Monitoring
(10 clock hours, $40)

An overview of progress monitoring—how it can affect the outcomes of students, how to implement curriculum-based measurement, and how to use progress monitoring data to make instructional decisions. All basic academic areas are addressed with a special emphasis on reading.

Data-Based Individualization
(10 clock hours, $40)

This course provides an overview of data-based individualization and provides information about adaptations for intensifying and individualizing instruction as well as information on making data-based instructional decisions. Specifically, discusses collecting and analyzing progress monitoring and diagnostic assessment data.

Differentiated Instruction
(12 clock hours, $48)

Discusses the importance of differentiating three aspects of instruction: content, process, and product. It explores the student traits—readiness level, interest, and learning profile—that influence learning.

Evidence-Based Practices
(12 clock hours, $48)

An introduction to evidence-based practices including identifying and selecting a practice or program, implementing a practice with fidelity, and evaluating learner outcomes and fidelity.

Executive Function - Study Skills Instruction
(12 clock hours, $48)

Learn about Executive Function (EF)—more commonly known by the term study skills—which refers to the mental processes that control and coordinate activities related to learning. It's an underlying skill set that many students struggle with and is often an area of deficit for students with high incidence disabilities such as learning disabilities and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Gain strategies to embed targeted EF skills instruction within content-specific instruction to help students who struggle with EF increase academic success.

Explicit Instruction: Supporting Practices and Implementation
(30 clock hours, $120)

Explicit instruction was recently identified as a high-leverage practice in education, and there is a strong evidence base for its use. This course provides learners with an opportunity to extend their understanding beyond the "what" of explicit instruction to the "how-to'" through in-depth exposure to the explicit instruction model and supporting practices required for effective implementation.

High Leverage Practices
(30 clock hours, $120)

Explore in depth the twenty-two High Leverage Practices (HLPs) that all special educators should be able to demonstrate. The HLPs are organized around four aspects of practice—collaboration, assessment, social/emotional/behavioral, and instruction. The selected practices are used frequently in classrooms and have been shown to improve student outcomes if successfully implemented. Based on materials developed by the Council for Exceptional Children and the CEEDAR Center.

Inclusionary Practices: Ch. 1: An Instructional Guide for Inclusive Educators
(Free, 0 clock hours; or 20 clock hours, $80)

Takes you through the OSPI Inclusionary Practices (IP) Handbook, Chapter 1: An Instructional Guide for Inclusive Educators, developed by the Center for Strengthening the Teaching Profession (CSTP) on behalf of OSPI. As you navigate through the IP Handbook, you will dig deeper into the concepts presented via readings, videos, and activities that were selected and designed by educators from across Washington State.

Inclusionary Practices: Ch. 2: Inclusive Learning Environments
(Free, 0 clock hours; or 20 clock hours, $80)

Takes you through the OSPI Inclusionary Practices (IP) Handbook, Section 2: Inclusive Learning Environments, developed by the Center for Strengthening the Teaching Profession (CSTP) on behalf of OSPI. As you navigate through the IP Handbook, you will dig deeper into the concepts presented via readings, videos, and activities that were selected and designed by educators from across Washington State.

Inclusion Considerations for Students with Disabilities
(10 clock hours, $40)

Explore concepts and considerations that promote access to the general education curriculum for students with disabilities. As educators and educator-leaders, it is our role to develop and implement plans and strategies that provide students with disabilities the greatest access to general education opportunities.

Inclusive Practices & Equitable Access for Students with Visual Disabilities
(10 clock hours, $40)

This course highlights tips for modifying lessons and ways to make lessons accessible for students with visual impairments and underscores the importance of the general education teacher's collaboration with professionals and other individuals knowledgeable about the needs of students with visual disabilities.

Meaningful Inclusion of Students with Significant Disabilities
(10 clock hours, $40)

This course describes the benefits of including students with significant cognitive disabilities in general education classrooms. It also offers information on how teachers can plan for and teach these students in inclusive classrooms.

Multi-Tiered System of Supports

Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports are comprised of five essential elements. Participants will register for one element at a time and navigate through via readings, videos, and assignments that were selected and designed by educators from across Washington State. The elements are designed to be taken in any order and were developed by the Center for Strengthening the Teaching Profession in collaboration with OSPI.

  • Continuum of Supports (Free, 0 clock hours; 20 clock hours, $80)
  • Data-Based Decision Making (Free, 0 clock hours; 20 clock hours, $80)
  • Evidence-Based Practices (Free, 0 clock hours; 20 clock hours, $80)
  • Team-Driven Shared Leadership (Free, 0 clock hours; 20 clock hours, $80)
  • Family, Student, and Community Engagement (Free, 0 clock hours, $80)

Promoting and Teaching Self-Advocacy
(12 clock hours, $48)

This course utilizes content from various sources and organizations dedicated to promoting and teaching self-advocacy skills to people with disabilities.

Students with Deaf-Blindness: Foundations
(20 clock hours, $80)

Introduction to working with students who have a combined vision and hearing loss including identification, challenges, and strategies.

Unlocking Literacy for Students with Complex Disabilities (Part 1: Emergent Readers & Writers)
(16 clock hours, $64)

Comprehensive literacy instruction for all students requires the use of tools and strategies that make the instruction accessible. This course will address how strategic tools or strategies can make literacy instruction accessible to students with complex communication needs and physical disabilities. Best practices and research-based strategies for literacy instruction will be included throughout the course. Educators and parents will be equipped with foundational tools and universal strategies to improve literacy instruction for students with complex communication needs and physical disabilities which will be applied throughout this course.