Behavior & Classroom Management

Beyond Compliance: Disrupting Exclusionary Discipline Practices to Improve Student Outcomes
(15 clock hours, $60)

In addition to procedural compliance requirements, this course addresses the paramount importance of reducing exclusionary practices to address disproportionate representation of sub-group populations and actions educators can take to accomplish this goal.  The significance of effective family engagement practices as they relate to student discipline and behavior is also addressed.

Classroom Management and Addressing Challenging Behaviors (Updated)
(20 clock hours, $80)

Highlights the importance of establishing a comprehensive classroom behavior management system and provides practical strategies for helping students become independent learners and addressing noncompliant and disruptive behaviors.

Functional Behavioral Assessment
(12 clock hours, $48)

Explores the basic principles of behavior and the importance of discovering the reasons that students engage in problem behavior. The steps to conducting a functional behavioral assessment and developing a behavior plan are described.

Restorative Practices
(Free, 0 clock hours; or 8 clock hours, $32)

Takes you through the concept of restorative practices and classroom implementation with specific emphasis on strategies that can be implemented in the classroom and school setting.

Understanding and Responding to Trauma
(Free, 0 clock hours; or 8 clock hours, $32)

Explores sources and types of trauma, the body's response to trauma, and what can be done to combat the impact of trauma on self and others. Relevant and timely given the current pandemic and its lasting impact.