Access Services for Students with Disabilities

Visually impaired student showing assistive technology devices

Contact and location


Office Hours

  • (Winter Break Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am - 5pm. Available by email only 12/23-12/27.)

Access Services for Students with Disabilities recognizes disability as an aspect of diversity that is integral to society and to our campus community. 

About Access Services for Students with Disabilities

We work with admitted Evergreen students to ensure equitable access to academic programs and services. Whether transitioning from high school, community college or another university, it’s important to be aware of the process to request accommodations and/or auxiliary aids due to a disability or temporary health condition.

Students Rights and Responsibilities to Accommodations

Students have the right to services and reasonable accommodations providing they meet the basic requirements to perform the activities of the program, that is, they are "otherwise qualified" to be an Evergreen student.

Students have the responsibility to request an accommodation through Access Services if and when they have identified a need or barrier to their education that would benefit from or require an accommodation. Students do this by identifying themselves to Access Services, presenting documentation of their disability, requesting reasonable accommodations, requesting services early to receive them in a timely manner and continuing to meet and maintain academic standards. Students should update accommodations each quarter. 

Requesting Services for Students with Disabilities

All disability accommodations are determined through an interactive process that requires the engagement of both the student and Access Services staff. Depending on the nature of a students disability and how it impacts their educational experience, services and accommodations are provided on an individually determined basis.

Learn about Requesting Services

Contact Us

Access Services is open and available to serve students remotely or in-person. If these options do not work for you, please contact us in advance to make other arrangements. 

Call: (360) 867-6348

When calling, leave a message with your name, student ID, contact information, and a short description of your need. Messages are checked and responded to regularly. 

Drop-In Hours

Staff are available to provide information, answer questions, and update accommodations for returning students.

Online Wednesdays, 2 - 4 pm (PST)
In-person Thursdays, 2 - 4 pm (PST)

Access Services Virtual Waiting Room

Visit Evergreen's Help Wiki for information about using Zoom