Forever Impactful
Stories featuring students, alumni, college programs, and more supported by the campaign.
The Evergreen Fund Report 2023 - 2024
The Evergreen Fund is the cornerstone of The Evergreen State College Foundation. Your efforts through the Evergreen Fund have a tremendous impact on Evergreen students.
January 2025
A Letter from Evergreen’s President
Dear Evergreen supporters,
Thank you for all that you made possible at Evergreen in 2024.
More than ever, the world needs Evergreen. We need a place committed to the kind of learning that prepares students to serve the public good with thoughtful leadership, powerful critical thinking, and the ability to bridge divides. Thank you for helping to champion and support this extraordinary, vital college. Today, I am sharing this news with you to focus on the hope Evergreen brings to our community, thanks to your dedicated giving, time, and partnership.
Enrollment News
I am pleased to announce that for the third consecutive year, Evergreen has increased student enrollment. Our total Fall enrollment is up to more than 2,500 students, reflecting a 7.4% increase since Fall 2023 and a 19% increase since Fall 2021.
We’ve seen an especially significant increase in undergraduate enrollment, adding over 450 undergrad students to the Evergreen community over the past three years, including a 40% increase in new, first-time undergraduates since Fall 2021.
Historic Firsts
We were able to attract and financially support many of these students thanks to the Forever Green campaign. This massive, multi-year effort reached its successful conclusion in June 2024.
More than 4,000 alumni, parents, and friends rallied together nationwide to contribute 15,835 gifts, grants, and estate commitments. You raised over $62 million. With this support, we will fulfill the College’s potential and propel it into its next 50 years. By taking part in the Forever Green campaign, you increased the student aid budget by 82%, enabling even more students to come to Evergreen and thrive here. Thank you!
Strengthening Learning for New Generations
The past year also brought a huge boost to our STEM education programs. In the spring, thanks to the leadership of U.S. Senator Patty Murray, Evergreen was awarded $2.1 million in federal funding to outfit our laboratories with new, state-of-the-art scientific instruments. In December, we received an additional $217,000 from the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust to enhance our new scanning electron microscope.
The new equipment will strengthen our hands-on learning, leading new generations of Greeners to cutting-edge jobs and advanced studies in science and medicine.
For those of you in Washington (or visiting Washington soon), I invite you to see some of this good work firsthand. Susan Pavel—faculty member, accomplished artist, and renowned expert of Coast Salish weaving—will have an exhibit at the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture in Seattle later in 2025. Susan was awarded a prestigious grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities and is working with the Burke Museum to showcase traditional regalia and weaving techniques passed down for generations.
Joys and Challenges Ahead
The year ahead promises joys and challenges, which we’ll embrace in Greener fashion. As you may know, Evergreen students, like many others, shared their opinions about the war in Israel and Palestine last Spring. Since then, we charged a task force of students, faculty, and staff to dig deep into thorny issues of investment policies and how a learning community should respond to tragic, global conflict. This is not light work, nor are the college policy decisions that may follow easy. But in keeping with Evergreen’s values, we’re engaging in some honest, good-faith dialogue. If the work is not always perfect, it is always inspiring to see Evergreen’s mission put into practice in meaningful work.
No doubt, there are other challenging issues and more work to be done. We will do that work strengthened by the power and commitment of this community. I see that commitment every day in the passion of our students, staff, faculty, donors, alumni, and volunteers. You give me real hope for the future at Evergreen and beyond.
Thank you
Thanks to everyone who came to the Return to Evergreen Alumni weekend in Olympia and Tacoma this past October. Stay tuned: in 2025, The Evergreen State College Foundation will be helping to host events for Greeners in the Bay Area, New York City, Boston, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, and Los Angeles, where you can meet Greeners. Thank you for giving your time, energy, and strength this past year and for coming together to learn, grow, and carry forward Evergreen’s values. I look forward to a memorable and equally historic 2025 with you.
John Carmichael, B.A. ’87, MPA ’98, Ph.D.
President, The Evergreen State College
Press Release
July 11, 2024
Fiercely Ambitious: Evergreen Raises $62.5 Million in First-Ever College-Wide Fundraising Campaign
Built for Times Like These, Built for What’s Next
OLYMPIA — The Evergreen State College, in partnership with The Evergreen State College Foundation, proudly announces the success of its inaugural comprehensive fundraising campaign, “Forever Green.” The campaign concluded on June 30, 2024, having exceeded its initial $55+ million goal three months early and raising an impressive $62,469,046 to fulfill the College’s potential and propel it into its next 50 years.
The "Forever Green" campaign began with a silent phase in July 2019, two years before Evergreen’s 50th anniversary. It was publicly launched in March 2023, inviting the power of community giving to join the effort. Over 4,000 alumni and friends came together nationwide to contribute a total of 15,835 gifts, grants and estate commitments. Of those who gave, 1,161 made a gift for the first time. This remarkable achievement underscores the Evergreen community's commitment to supporting liberal arts in higher education and removing barriers for students.
The funds raised support three strategic priorities, including $36.1 million to expand holistic services and financial aid for students, empowering diverse thinkers, doers, and voices to lead the future. Another $18.4 million creates learning experiences that prepare students to solve problems in our economy, strengthen democracy and justice, address climate change and environmental issues, and champion the arts. Additionally, $7.9 million promotes Native arts and cultures in the Pacific Northwest and beyond, with the leadership of Evergreen’s longhouse, s’gwi gwi ? altxw: House of Welcome.
President John Carmichael expressed his gratitude, saying, "I’m tremendously grateful for the way that people have rallied to this campaign. It shows the high regard that people have for Evergreen. Their generosity is already making a difference for students and ensures that the College can continue serving our community for many years to come."
We Are Positioned Better Than Ever to Thrive
The campaign's impact across its priorities has been extraordinary thanks to an overwhelming community response. Donors of all giving levels from $5+ have significantly increased the student aid budget by 66% and the average scholarship award by 16%. As a result, new awards, like the Returning Greeners Scholarship, were created to bring back students who faced financial hardship and had to discontinue their education.
Alumni generosity helped create the Center for Climate Action and Sustainability, an innovative hub empowering students and environmental leaders. Alumni giving also expanded athletics to include men's and women's wrestling and cross-country programs. Additionally, an anonymous graduate's generous pledge of $1 million established the Resilience Fund for student support initiatives.
16 new endowments established by dedicated supporters of the College's vision are driving Evergreen's future. In 2024, an early alumnus pledged over $400,000 to create the first unrestricted Evergreen Fund Endowment, supporting critical strategic needs. The Coordinated Studies Endowment, initiated by Faculty Emerita Jeanne Hahn, will ensure the continuity of full-time, interdisciplinary and interdivisional, team-taught coordinated studies curricula and faculty projects. Additionally, a new House of Welcome Endowment will provide sustained support for Native programs, facilities, and staff.
The impact of grants has also been substantial. The College secured two federal grants totaling $1 million to support low-income parenting students with direct childcare subsidies and obtained funding to launch and staff the Student Basic Needs Center. Additionally, the TRIO Student Support Services programs saw a more than 50% increase in the number of students served, rising from 180 to 280. The House of Welcome received two grants totaling $4.8 million to assist other colleges and universities in working with tribes to support Native arts and cultures. Furthermore, a $2.2 million Title III grant was awarded to enhance comprehensive advising and improve student access to advising and support through technology.
In addition to its fundraising achievements, the campaign facilitated increased alumni engagement through events. Notably, new initiatives like “Greener Meets” convened alumni in Seattle, Olympia, Eastern Washington, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Tacoma, Portland, and New York City, fostering a stronger sense of community across the Evergreen network.
"It’s thrilling to have such a successful first campaign, especially considering the challenges we experienced along the way. Who would have guessed that a global pandemic would hit in our first year of the campaign? I am truly inspired by the outpouring of support from our community—it fills me with hope for a bright future for Evergreen," said Abby Kelso, Vice President for Advancement and Executive Director of Evergreen’s Foundation.
The leadership of the Foundation’s Board of Governors has been instrumental in the campaign's success. Betsy Donnelly, a parent of an Evergreen graduate and the board’s chair during the final year, stated, “The success of the Forever Green campaign is a testament to the collective efforts and dedication of our Board of Governors.” She highlighted, “Diverse perspectives have brought fresh ideas and meaningful discussions, enhancing our mission to support students and showcase Evergreen's contributions.” Donnelly also noted, “Genuine camaraderie, friendly competition, and personal contributions have been crucial in achieving our fundraising and engagement targets. I am most proud of the board's unwavering commitment and their ability to inspire others to secure the success of current and future students.”
While Forever Green has concluded, the victory lap has just begun. During the 2024-2025 academic year the College and Foundation will embark on a celebratory “Gratitude Phase” to share the impact of the campaign far and wide and honor the community that made this historic achievement possible.
For more information about the “Forever Green” campaign and to read more stories of impact, please visit www.evergreen.edu/forevergreen.
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We were built for times like these, built for what's next. At Evergreen, we will forever go our own way, but we can only do it together.