Budget Policy Adoption and Amendments

Effective Date
Director of Budget and Planning
Executive Leadership Team
  1. Purpose
    • This policy sets forth the policy for adopting and amending budget policies.
  2. Roles and Responsibilities
    • 2.1. Director of Budget and Planning (DBP) is responsible for drafting new budget policies for adoption and for proposing amendments to existing policies, as needed.
    • 2.2. Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is responsible for the initial review and approval of draft policy language prior to distribution to other campus stakeholders.
    • 2.3. Core Budget Team (CBT) is responsible for reviewing and providing feedback to the DBP regarding proposed budget policies. CBT members may also propose budget policy adoptions and amendments. 
    • 2.4. Executive Leadership Team (ELT) is responsible for ratifying proposed budget policy adoptions and amendments.
  3. Authority
    • The DBP is primarily responsible for identifying budget policy adoptions and amendments that are needed for the efficient administration of the college budget. The President may direct the adoption or amendment of budget policies. CBT and ELT members may propose budget policy adoptions and amendments for consideration by the DBP.
  4. Communication
    • Budget policies will be published on the college intranet site upon adoption. CBT members will communicate with the stakeholders in their respective divisions about policies that are adopted or amended. The DBP will be the subject matter expert for questions regarding the adoption, amendment, and implementation of budget policies.
  5. Related Procedure