Compensation For Adjunct Faculty Teaching Courses


***Please note: This section has been superseded by a more recent policy. ***

Adjunct faculty teaching undergraduate or graduate courses shall be placed on the faculty salary grid following the procedures used in calculating the placement of all faculty on the grid. Placement on the experience year grid is based on three factors: a) educational experience, b) direct teaching experience, and c) other related experience. Educational experience is based from the Bachelor's degree forward, with one year granted for the Masters and two additional years for the Ph.D.; teaching experience is granted on a one-for-one basis; normally related professional experience is rated at one-half. The contract letter shall state the experience year of the part-time faculty member.

Compensation for each 4 quarter hour undergraduate or graduate course shall be as indicated in the table on the next page.

A 4 quarter hour course is 1/4 of a load for full-time undergraduate faculty or 1/3 for graduate faculty taught for 1/3 of a contract year. Adjunct faculty are paid at 80% of rates because there are no required governance or research duties.

In all cases, compensation shall be prorated so that a 2 quarter hour course pays half of the above number and an 8 quarter hour course pays double the above calculated amounts. Faculty teaching half-time or more for two quarters in succession are entitled to benefits for the quarters taught, beginning with the second quarter of teaching.

Summer faculty salary calculation for part-time and full-time faculty shall follow the summer faculty salary scale.