Campus Master Plan


History: The 2008 Campus Master Plan covers the period from 2007 to 2020. The Evergreen State College began the development of the 2008 master plan in 2007. The work was guided by the revised 2005 master plan, which was based off of the 1998 Campus Facilities Master Plan and serves as the philosophical basis for the current effort focused on identifying renovations, sites for potential new facilities, and land use policies.


The aim of the 2008 Campus Master Plan is to establish priorities for the school’s campus consistent with TESC’s strategic plan and to (1) guide campus development, and (2) serve as a concept plan for future development.

The College has completed its strategic planning process which incorporates all academic and support operations. A previous Master Plan was completed in 1998 and updated in 2005. The previous Master Plan provides the framework for development on the campus with policies and statements regarding how the College should be developed and landscaped. The earlier documents do not provide definitive plans for various types of academic, administrative, and student space. There is also no discussion of possible sites should additional facilities be
needed to meet the expected enrollment target or an identification of which facilities should be modified and renovated to meet the changing academic program needs. The previous Master Plan serves as the philosophy behind the development of the campus and is incorporated as Volume II of the Master Plan. Volume I specifically address facility renovations, sites for potential new facilities, land use policies including the identification of areas for student and faculty research and projects, use of the waterfront and accompanying beach area and
similar issues relative to the overall campus.

The overall goal of this campus Master Plan is to assist the College in translating he strategic goals and objectives of the various College units into a physical plan which identifies where the College should be focusing its resources to meet future demands on its facilities and land resources. The Master Plan is a key part of the College’s Capital Budget Request and 10-year Capital Plan that will be submitted to the Washington State Office of Financial Management in September 2008. The Master Plan will also guide the capital construction on the campus for at least the next two biennia. The Master Plan covers the period from 2005 - 2020.


The Evergreen State College Campus Master Plan is a comprehensive long term plan for the facilities and campus grounds of the college. The plan establishes priorities for campus development consistent with the College’s Mission, Strategic Plan and other current initiatives. The multi-volume document identifies opportunities where the College can focus resources to meet future demands on its facilities and land resources.


  • Volume I - Site Specific Recommendations
  • Volume II - Goals and Policies for Land Use (1998 Campus Master Plan; updated 2005)
  • Volume III - Appendix

The aim of the process and plan is to provide a comprehensive document that: (1) helps guide campus development, and (2) serves as a concept plan for future development. This plan is a living document that will be frequently revised and updated. This plan contains the core values that guide campus facilities and land use decisions.