Faculty Reappointment

Effective Date

***Please note: This section has been superseded by a more recent policy. ***

(1) Preamble

(a) Collaborative, interdisciplinary teaching and learning constitutes the center of each faculty member's work at Evergreen. The evaluation process, through which reappointment decisions are made, has at its heart a concern for excellence in all aspects of the academic enterprise. Excellence in the faculty depends in part on faculty development efforts, and both deans and faculty colleagues provide development advice as needed as part of the evaluation process. The evaluation process also provides a time to praise the excellent work of our colleagues. Thus maintenance of excellence through collegial evaluation focusing on collaborative, interdisciplinary teaching and learning is the central feature of our reappointment policy. Great care is taken before initially hiring regular faculty and thus nonreappointment of a regular faculty member will be uncommon.

(b) No faculty member will be dismissed from the college because of any written or spoken views protected by the guarantees of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. The college also subscribes to the American Association of University Professors' statement of principles on academic freedom.

(2) Location of appointment and reappointment decisions

The authority to decide whether or not to appoint or reappoint a faculty member is vested in the board of trustees which delegates this authority to the president who, in turn, delegates it to the provost.

(3) Definitions of some terms in this policy

(a) Full-time means employment which is compensated at 100% of the individual’s experience-year step on the faculty salary scale or on the appropriate administrative salary scale.

(b) Part-time means employment which is less than full-time employment.

(4) Categories of faculty

(a) Adjunct faculty. An adjunct faculty member is a part-time faculty member hired to teach one or more specific courses or half-time (eight quarter hour) program(s) during one or more specific quarters during one or more specific years.

(b) Visiting faculty. A visiting faculty member is a full-time faculty member hired to teach during one or more specific quarters during one or more specific years, or is a faculty member invited to come to the college to do non-teaching, scholarly work during one or more specific quarters during one or more specific years.

(c) Regular faculty on term contract. A regular faculty member on term contract is a part-time or full-time faculty member who has a fixed length, probationary contract or series of contracts of up to the teaching-equivalent of eighteen quarters, excluding summer quarters, of full-time teaching. A regular faculty member on term contract is offered this contract or contracts with the expectation that he or she will contribute to satisfying some long term requirements of the Evergreen curriculum and that he or she will be reviewed for an appointment as a regular faculty member on continuing appointment at the appropriate time.

(d) Regular faculty on continuing appointment. A regular faculty member on continuing appointment is a part-time or full-time faculty member who has a continuing appointment up to the time of his or her voluntary departure from the college, or his or her retirement from the college, or his or her dismissal from the college under provisions of the Mid Contract Termination with Adequate Cause policy of the college, or his or her departure from the college under provisions of any approved Evergreen reduction in force policy.

(e) Regular library faculty on term contract. A regular library faculty member on term contract is a part-time or full-time member of the library who has a fixed term faculty appointment. A library faculty member on term contract normally teaches in the full-time curriculum at least one out of nine quarters, excluding summer quarters.

(f) Regular library faculty on continuing appointment. A regular library faculty member on continuing appointment is a part-time or full-time member of the library who has a continuing faculty appointment. A library faculty member on continuing appointment normally teaches in the full-time curriculum at least one out of nine quarters, excluding summer quarters.

(g) Learning Resource Center (LRC) Administrative faculty are appointed by the provost with appropriate advice from the TESC community to work in the Learning Resource Center to provide support to students, faculty, and their programs in specific academic areas, such as writing and quantitative reasoning. They will not be responsible for the generation of credit though this is not prohibited via targeted Independent Study Contracts and workshops. LRC Administrative faculty members have an initial three-year contract that can be continually extended or renewed at the discretion of the provost.

(h) Concerning the faculty status, if any, of the president, provost, academic deans and dean of the library. The president, provost, academic deans, and dean of the library may or may not have faculty status. The faculty status of each depends on the previous or present conditions of his or her appointment at the college and the provisions of the Faculty Handbook, including the provisions of the Faculty Reappointment Policy.

(5) Appointment of adjunct faculty

(a) No adjunct faculty member, as an adjunct faculty member, has or can acquire a right by means of this employment alone to a continuing part-time or full-time contract or appointment with the college, no matter how many courses over how many quarters or years he or she teaches at the college, and no matter how well the person does his or her work.

(b) Appointments of adjunct faculty are recommended by the deans and made by the provost.

(6) Reappointment of visiting faculty. (Does not apply to emeriti faculty)

(a) No visiting faculty member, as a visiting faculty member, may teach part-time or full-time at the college for more than twelve consecutive quarters, excluding summer quarters.

(b) No visiting faculty member, as a visiting faculty member, has or can acquire a right by means of this employment alone to a continuing part-time or full-time contract or appointment with the college, no matter how many quarters or years he or she teaches or does non-teaching, scholarly work at the college, and no matter how well the person does his or her work.

(c) Appointments and reappointments of visiting faculty members are recommended by the deans and made by the provost in response to short-term curriculum needs or non-teaching scholarly opportunities.

(6.1) Reappointment of Learning Resource Center administrative faculty

(a) Learning Resource Center (LRC) Administrative faculty will be evaluated annually by a dean using the specific responsibilities identified in the faculty member's job description as criteria and other duties as assigned.

(b) By the end of week five of the winter quarter of the LRC administrative faculty members' final year of his or her contract the supervising dean will consult with faculty who have worked with him or her over the term of the entire contract. The dean will then prepare and send to the provost an evaluation and recommendation for renewal or termination at the end of the existing contract. The provost may seek additional input if necessary, but will issue a final decision by April 15 th of that year to either offer the faculty member a renewed term contract or not renew the contract.

(7) Reappointment of regular faculty on term contract

(a) No regular faculty member on term contract, as a regular faculty member on term contract, may teach at the college for more than the teaching-equivalent of eighteen quarters, excluding summer quarters, of full-time teaching, including years during which the faculty member has been a visiting faculty member at the college (if any), unless the faculty member is granted an additional contract as a regular faculty member on term contract as a consequence of his or her successful due process appeal of non-reappointment as specified in section (17) (f) of this policy.

(b) No regular faculty member on term contract, as a regular faculty member on term contract, has or can acquire a right by means of this employment alone to a part-time or full-time new term contract or continuing appointment with the college, no matter how many quarters or years he or she teaches at the college, and no matter how well the person does his or her work. The right to a part-time or full-time new term contract or continuing appointment is acquired through the review processes described in sections (7) and (8) of this policy.

(c) Each regular faculty member on term contract maintains a portfolio, as a portfolio is defined in section (14) of this policy, and each year he or she submits his or her complete, up-to-date portfolio to his or her dean. The dean reviews the portfolio and meets with the faculty member to discuss the faculty member's work. As part of this meeting the dean will advise the faculty member regarding when s/he might become eligible for conversion to a continuing contract and the process governing such conversions. Within fifteen working days of this meeting the dean writes a letter to the faculty member summarizing the dean’s observations of and reflections about the faculty member’s recent work at Evergreen and the dean’s overall conclusions about whether or not the faculty member’s work at Evergreen is satisfactory.

(d) Prior to the time that a regular faculty member on term contract satisfies all of the minimum requirements for becoming a candidate for an appointment as a regular faculty member on continuing appointment, reappointment of the faculty member as a regular faculty member on term contract is recommended by the deans and made by the provost. A regular faculty member on term contract may appeal the provost's decision not to reappoint the faculty member as a regular faculty member on term contract only on grounds of substantial violation of procedure as procedures for reappointment are specified in section (7) of this policy.

(e) Procedure for reappointment of a regular faculty member on term contract as a regular faculty member on term contract prior to the person's completion of nine quarters, excluding summer quarters, of the teaching-equivalent of full-time teaching at Evergreen:

1. By October 15 of the last year of the faculty member's current contract as a regular faculty member on term contract, he or she submits his or her complete, up-to-date portfolio and any other material he or she wishes to his or her dean.

2. By October 15 of this last year, the faculty member's dean observes the faculty member teach in one or more settings.

3. By October 25 of this last year, the faculty member meets with his or her dean to discuss the faculty member's work and possible reappointment as a regular faculty member on term contract.

4. By November 1 of this last year, the dean makes a preliminary decision whether or not to recommend to the provost that the faculty member be offered a contract renewal as a regular faculty member on term contract. In making this decision, the dean takes account of his or her observations of and interviews with the faculty member, the material that the faculty member has submitted, and the evaluation and reappointment provisions of sections (12) and (13) of this policy. If the dean makes a preliminary decision to recommend non-reappointment of the faculty member, then the dean discusses his or her recommendation with the other deans before sending his or her final recommendation to the provost.

5. By November 15 of this last year, the dean writes a letter to the provost stating the dean's final recommendation and giving the reasons for his or her recommendation and sends a copy of this letter by certified mail to the faculty member.

6. By December 1 of this last year, the provost reviews the faculty member's record. In making this review, the provost takes account of the recommendation of the dean, the evaluation and reappointment provisions of sections (12) and (13) of this policy, and may review any or all of the material reviewed by the dean, including the faculty member's portfolio. The provost also may interview the faculty member, the deans, and/or others who have relevant information.

7. By December 1 of this last year, the provost makes a preliminary decision whether or not to offer the faculty member a new contract as a regular faculty member on term contract.

8. If the provost makes a preliminary decision contrary to the recommendation of the dean, the provost meets with the deans to discuss his or her decision before making a final decision.

9. By December 15 of this last year, the provost writes a letter to the faculty member stating the provost's final decision whether or not to offer the faculty member a new contract as a regular faculty member on term contract and giving the provost's reasons for this decision. The provost sends this letter to the faculty member by certified mail.

10. If the faculty member is offered and accepts a contract as a regular faculty member on term contract, then this contract begins with the next academic year or at some other time agreed on by the deans, provost and faculty member. If the faculty member is not offered a contract as a regular faculty member on term contract, then the faculty member will not be offered any other faculty contract for the next academic year.

(8) Requirements and procedures for being offered an appointment as a regular faculty member on continuing appointment.

(a) Requirements:

1. The candidate is a regular faculty member on term contract.

2. (a) For regular full-time faculty, the candidate has completed the equivalent of at least nine but not more than 18 quarters, excluding summer quarters, of full-time teaching at Evergreen within, at most, eight years. The candidate may have completed up to six quarters of this full-time teaching previously as a visiting faculty member provided that he or she has voluntarily included in his or her portfolio evaluations of and by his or her students, evaluations of and by his or her faculty teaching partners, a self-evaluation and other evaluation documents for each quarter that he or she was a visitor at Evergreen and now wishes to count as part of this full-time teaching.

In addition, the candidate has completed full-time teaching in interdisciplinary programs with six or more Evergreen faculty, at least three of whom are regular faculty members on continuing appointment at the time of the candidates conversion review, and has taught with each of these faculty members for at least one quarter. The deans and the provost, acting collectively, may waive one or more of the requirements listed in this paragraph for a particular faculty member. This waiver may be given only as a consequence of extraordinary faculty assignment demands of the Evergreen curriculum.

(b) For regular half-time faculty assigned to Part-Time Studies, the candidate has completed the equivalent of at least nine but not more than eighteen quarters, excluding summer quarters, of half-time (eight quarter hour) programs in Part-time Studies at Evergreen within, at most, eight years. The candidate may have completed up to six quareters of full-time teaching previously as a visiting faculty member provided that he or she has voluntarily included in his or her portfolio evaluations of and by his or her students, evaluations of and by his or her faculty teaching partners, a self-evaluation and other evaluative documents for each quarter that he or she was a visitor at Evergreen and no wishes to count as part of this teaching requirement.

In addition, the candidate has taught with at least four half-time faculty in Part-time Studies, at least two of whom are regular faculty members on continuing appointment. The deans and Provost, acting collectively, may waive one or more of the requirements listed in this paragraph for a particular faculty member. This waiver may be given only as a consequence of extraordinary assignment demands of the Evergreen curriculum.

3. The candidate has completed full-time teaching in interdisciplinary programs with six or more Evergreen faculty, at least three of whom are regular faculty members on continuing appointment at the time of the candidate's conversion review, and has taught with each of these faculty members for at least one quarter. (note: The practice of the deans is, as long as the teaching partner converts prior to the convening of the reappointment panel they will count as teaching partners. Faculty who are converted at the time they teach with the term faculty, even if they leave, will still count as teaching partners.) The deans and the provost, acting collectively, may waive one or more of the requirements listed in this paragraph for a particular faculty member. This waiver may only be given as a consequence of extraordinary faculty assignment demands of the Evergreen curriculum.

4. The candidate has a complete, up-to-date portfolio for all of the quarters that he or she has taught at Evergreen as a regular faculty member on term contract.

5. The candidate sends a letter to his or her dean stating that the candidate meets the minimum qualifications for being considered for an appointment as a regular faculty member on a continuing appointment and that the candidate wishes to be considered for such an appointment.

(b) Procedure:

The deans will inform relevant faculty that they may meet criteria for conversion during the preceding summer.

1. By the October 1 following the date at which the candidate submits his or her request to be considered for a continuing appointment the candidate’s dean will make a preliminary determination as to whether the candidate appears to have satisfied all of the minimum requirements for becoming a regular faculty member on continuing appointment. If the dean believes the candidate has met the requirements, the candidate’s dean sends a written notice to the Evergreen community that the candidate is about to be reviewed for an appointment as a regular faculty member on continuing appointment and invites anyone who wishes to submit a letter and/or other items for this review to do so. The candidate also may solicit such letters and/or other items. All such material is due in the dean's office within ten working days of the announcement. The dean makes any and all of this material available to the candidate within ten working days after receiving it and gives the candidate an opportunity to respond in writing to any or all of this material in appropriate sections of his or her portfolio.

2. By October 1 the candidate submits his or her complete, up-to-date portfolio and any additional materials that he or she wishes to the dean.

3. By October 15 the candidate's dean assembles a review panel. The review panel consists of:

a. The dean, a non-voting member.

b. All of the available regular faculty members on continuing appointment with whom the candidate has taught at Evergreen. (Retired regular faculty members with whom the candidate has taught will also be invited and may serve at their option.) If fewer than four of these faculty members (including retired faculty) are available, then the dean selects other regular faculty members on continuing appointment from the candidate's curriculum planning unit to serve on the panel so that there are at least four faculty, excluding the dean, in this group who have taught with the candidate or who are in the candidate's curriculum planning unit or both.

c. One additional regular faculty member on continuing appointment who, in the candidate's opinion, is a good judge of some part of the candidate's work at Evergreen.

d. One or two additional regular faculty members on continuing appointment who, in the dean's opinion, can make a contribution to the deliberations of the panel. The dean makes his or her selection from a diverse pool of regular faculty members on continuing appointment selected each year by the Agenda Committee for this service. The size of this pool will be determined by the Agenda Committee based on the expected number of review panels for that year. The dean chooses one rather than two, or two rather than one, such faculty depending on what is needed to insure an odd number of voting members on the panel. The dean notifies the candidate of the panel’s membership once this is confirmed.

4. By October 15 the candidate’s dean submits the candidate’s portfolio and any other material that the dean has collected to the review panel.

5. Between October 15 and February 15 the review panel does all of the following: The panel reviews the candidate's portfolio and all additional material that has been submitted, then meets to determine whether the candidate has in fact met the minimum requirements listed in(a) above for being offered a continuing appointment. If not, the panel notifies the candidate as to which requirement(s) s/he has not yet met, and invites the candidate to apply again in a succeeding year if s/he will be eligible at such time. If so, the panel then decides whether or not to recommend to the provost that the candidate be offered an appointment as a regular faculty member on continuing appointment. The panel may choose to interview the candidate or gather additional material. If the panel gathers additional material, then the candidate is offered access to this material and the opportunity to respond in writing to any or all of this material. Throughout all of its deliberations, the review panel takes full account of the evaluation and reappointment provisions of sections (12) and (13) of this policy. The panel reaches its decision by majority vote---the dean is a non-voting member of the panel---and the dean writes a letter to the provost stating the panel's recommendation and giving the reasons for its recommendation and the final numerical vote for and against this recommendation. The dean sends a copy of this letter by certified mail to the candidate.

6. By April 1 the provost reviews the candidate's record. In making this review, the provost takes account of the recommendation of the review panel, and reviews the material reviewed by the panel, including the candidate's portfolio. In addition, the provost consults with the president and may consult the deans, interview the panel members and/or the candidate, or gather additional material. If the provost gathers additional material, the candidate is offered access to this material and the opportunity to respond in writing to any or all of this material.

7. In reviewing a candidate for an appointment as a faculty member on continuing appointment, neither the provost nor the review panel may take account of whether or not the candidate’s knowledge and skill fits with the content of the projected future short term or long term curriculum. In reviewing a candidate for an appointment as a faculty member on continuing appointment, the provost, like the review committee, does take account of the evaluation and reappointment provisions of sections (12) and (13) of this policy.

8. By April 1 the provost makes a preliminary decision whether or not to offer the candidate an appointment as a regular faculty member on continuing appointment.

9. If the provost makes a preliminary decision contrary to the recommendation of the review panel, then the provost meets with the review panel to discuss his or her preliminary decision before making a final decision.

10. By April 15 the provost writes a letter to the candidate stating the provost's final decision whether or not to offer the candidate an appointment as a regular faculty member on continuing appointment and giving the provost's reasons for this decision. The provost sends this letter to the candidate by certified mail.

11. If the candidate is offered and accepts an appointment as a regular faculty member on continuing appointment, then this appointment begins with the next academic year or at some other time agreed on by the deans, provost and faculty member. If the candidate is not offered an appointment as a regular faculty member on continuing appointment, then the candidate will be offered or otherwise assured of a terminal contract as a regular faculty member on term contract for the next academic year. If the person is a regular faculty member on term contract during this next year, then he or she cannot reapply for a position as a regular faculty member on continuing appointment during this next year and the person cannot be appointed a regular faculty member on term contract beyond this next year.

(c) Those faculty eligible for reappointment and conversion must undergo the reappointment process prior to the meeting of their conversion panel. For these faculty, conversion panels will meet between January 1 and February 15, afther the reappointment decision has been made.

(d) An exception to the requirements and procedures for being offered an appointment as a regular faculty member on continuing appointment: In exceptional circumstances a person new to Evergreen may be offered an initial appointment as a regular faculty member on continuing appointment, if the following two conditions are satisfied:

1. The person has fully documented that he or she has successfully completed the equivalent of fifteen quarters of teaching and non-teaching work that is substantially equivalent to the normal work done by a regular Evergreen faculty member.

2. The hiring committee, academic deans, and provost, with consultation from the president, agree that the person be offered an initial appointment as a regular faculty member on continuing appointment. It is expected that this exception will occur rarely and for only the best of reasons.

(9) Review of regular faculty on continuing appointment

(a) A regular faculty member on continuing appointment, as a regular faculty member on continuing appointment, has a right to a continuing full-time faculty appointment with the college. Hence, once a person has an appointment as a regular faculty member on continuing appointment, he or she does not receive reappointment as a regular faculty member on continuing appointment. He or she does receive annual letters announcing his or her salary and/or other conditions of employment.

(b) Each regular faculty member on continuing appointment maintains a portfolio, as a portfolio is defined in section (14) of this policy, and once every five years he or she participates in a formal review of his or her work.

(c) Procedure for review of regular faculty member on continuing appointment:

1. Every five years, at a time agreed on by the faculty member and his or her dean, the faculty member's dean assembles a review panel. The panel consists of:

a. The dean.

b. All of the available Evergreen faculty with whom the faculty member has taught in the past five years. If fewer than four of these faculty are available, the dean selects other faculty from the faculty member's curriculum planning unit to serve on the panel so that there are at least four faculty, excluding the dean, in this group who have taught with the faculty member or who are in the faculty member's curriculum planning unit or both.

2. The faculty member submits his or her complete, up-to-date portfolio for the past five or more years that he or she has taught at Evergreen and any additional materials that he or she wishes to the dean. In addition, the faculty member submits a retrospective five year self-evaluation and a prospective three to five year teaching and learning plan. The dean makes all of this material available to the panel and the panel reviews all of this material.

3. The faculty member meets with the panel to discuss his or her past, present and future work at Evergreen. There is no set form or required content for this meeting, or, as it may turn out, meetings. The dean who is a member of the panel leads and encourages serious discussion following procedures developed by the deans. This discussion might well include descriptions of and praise for the faculty member’s best work, descriptions of and suggestions for improvement of the faculty member’s least successful work, encouragement for and suggestions about the faculty member’s plan for self-directed professional development or plan for future teaching work at Evergreen, or a suggestion that the faculty member consider leaving Evergreen for a term or permanently. No formal record is made of this meeting.

(10) Reappointment of library faculty member on term contract

(a) The reappointment procedures for a library faculty member on term contract are described in section 4.400 of the Faculty Handbook.

(b) Criteria used in evaluating the work of a library faculty member on term contract in the full-time curriculum are described in sections (12) and (13) of the Faculty Reappointment Policy. Additional criteria used in evaluating the work of a library faculty member on term contract are described in section 4.400 of the Faculty Handbook.

(11) Appointment and reappointment of library faculty member on continuing appointment

(a) The appointment and reappointment procedures for a library faculty member on continuing appointment are described in section 4.400 of the Faculty Handbook.

(b) Criteria used in evaluating the work of a library faculty member on continuing appointment in the full-time curriculum are described in sections (12) and (13) of the Faculty Reappointment Policy. Additional criteria used in evaluating the work of a library faculty member on term contract are described in section 4.400 of the Faculty Handbook.

(12) Criteria for evaluation of faculty and reappointment of faculty

(a) Teaching. A faculty member should teach well. Some but not all indications of such teaching are:

1. Contributing to the learning environment in programs through designing and executing parts of a program's curriculum, subject matter expertise, interdisciplinary approaches to material, ability to counsel and advise students, facilitation of a stimulating and challenging atmosphere, innovative work in seminars, lectures, labs, workshops and field work, and effective sponsorship of individual contracts and internships.

2. Fostering students' intellectual and cognitive development.

3. Fostering students' communication abilities.

4. Displaying intellectual vitality.

(b) Meeting commitments. A faculty member should regularly and cooperatively meet commitments made to students, colleagues, staff, and the college, as judged by peers, students, the deans, and provost. These commitments include, but are not limited to:

1. Meeting rotation and team teaching requirements. Team teaching requirements include co-planning the program curriculum, weekly participation in a faculty seminar based on the intellectual content of the program or an alternative plan approved by the deans, and attendance at most if not all program activities. In addition, regular faculty members on continuing appointment must teach with at least five different faculty members during every fifteen quarters, excluding summer quarters, of the teaching-equivalent of full-time teaching at Evergreen. The deans and the Provost, acting collectively, may waive one or more of the requirements listed in this paragraph for a particular faculty member. This waiver may only be given as a consequence of extraordinary faculty assignment demands of the Evergreen curriculum.

2. Adhering to program covenants and syllabi, and curriculum planning unit and graduate program obligations.

3. Writing an evaluation of each faculty teaching colleague at the end of each program and a self-evaluation by the end of each academic year during which the faculty member teaches at Evergreen.

4. Writing an evaluation on time for each student for whom one has agreed to write an evaluation at the end of each quarter.

5. Serving on review panels for candidates for appointment as faculty on continuing appointment and on review panels for the review of faculty on continuing appointment.

6. Adhering to the social contract, the affirmative action policy, the sexual harassment policy and all other such contracts and policies of the college. The official determination of whether or not a faculty member has adhered to any such policy is only made in accordance with the procedures specified in that policy.

(c) Planning curriculum. A faculty member should contribute effectively and cooperatively to curriculum planning as judged by his or her peers, students, the deans, and provost. Curriculum planning can be done in many ways, including:

1. Planning academic programs, contributing to program design as well as execution.

2. Participating in the development of a coherent and innovative curriculum in programs for first year students, for programs in a curriculum planning unit and/or in a graduate program.

(d) Participating in college affairs. A faculty member must serve on DTF's or other committees and serve as coordinator of programs, as reasonably requested and as consistent with effective teaching. A faculty member may also contribute to the college community in other ways; the value of such contributions should be clearly evident in community recognition.

(d) Professional development. A faculty member should continue his or her professional development as evidenced by his or her new learning in Evergreen programs and, if appropriate, as evidenced in his or her independent work.

(13) Use of the criteria for evaluation of faculty and reappointment of faculty

(a) Faculty, deans and provost will use, explicitly, the criteria for evaluation and reappointment of faculty listed in section (12) of this policy in all of their faculty evaluation and reappointment work.

(b) Some of the criteria for evaluation and reappointment of regular faculty will not be appropriate for the evaluation and reappointment of adjunct faculty and visiting faculty. For example, neither adjunct faculty nor visiting faculty have an obligation to participate in college affairs, and only regular faculty on continuing appointment may serve on review panels for candidates for appointment as faculty member on continuing appointment.

(c) Other considerations, apart from these criteria, may also be used in making decisions about the reappointment of faculty. For example, the future needs of the Evergreen curriculum may be considered in making recommendations or decisions about the reappointment of adjunct faculty or visiting faculty.

(14) The portfolio

(a) Each regular faculty member on term contract and each regular faculty member on continuing appointment and each staff member with faculty status maintains a portfolio concerning his or her work as a faculty member at Evergreen during, at least, the previous five years or for as many of the previous quarters of the previous five years as he or she has taught in the full-time curriculum. The provost may also require that adjunct and visiting faculty seeking reappointment maintain portfolios.

(b) The faculty member's portfolio includes:

1. An annual self-evaluation by the faculty member for each of the past five academic years that the person has taught at Evergreen for at least part of one quarter. In each of these self-evaluations the faculty member addresses, at least, the criteria for evaluation and reappointment of faculty set out in section (12) of this policy.

2. All evaluations by the faculty member of other Evergreen faculty with whom the faculty member has taught with at Evergreen and all evaluations of the faculty member by these faculty.

3. All evaluations of or by the faculty member required by an Evergreen curriculum planning unit or graduate program.

4. All evaluations of the faculty member by Evergreen students of the faculty member.

5. All self-evaluations of the faculty member's Evergreen students and all of the faculty member's evaluations of these students.

6. All program or contract syllabi, covenants, and descriptions connected with the faculty member's teaching at Evergreen.

7. Other people's descriptions and/or evaluations of the faculty member's participation in college affairs.

8. Any other material that the faculty member wishes to include.

(15) Developmental Review

(a) Regular faculty members on term contract and visiting faculty members who have completed five quarters of Evergreen teaching are encouraged to pursue opportunities for developing their abilities to meet the criteria for evaluation and reappointment described in section (12). In addition to any other opportunities that may exist, they have the option of consulting confidentially with the academic dean assigned to faculty development.

(b) To preserve confidentiality, and to encourage free interchange of developmental information, the academic dean assigned to faculty development does not take part in the review of regular faculty members on term contracts and visiting faculty members who have completed five quarters of Evergreen teaching, and such faculty are not assigned to that dean.

(c) Such faculty members may request a developmental review according to the following procedures:

1. At a time agreed on by the faculty member and the dean assigned to faculty development, the dean assembles a review panel. The panel consists of:

a. The dean.

b. Evergreen faculty members who are selected by the faculty member under review and who agree to participate.

2. The faculty member submits his or her complete, up-to-date portfolio for the time that he or she has taught at Evergreen and any additional materials that he or she wishes to the dean. The dean makes all of this material available to the panel. The dean and the panel review this material.

3. The faculty member meets with the panel to discuss his or her past, present and future work at Evergreen. There is no set form or required content for this meeting, or, as it may turn out, meetings. The dean who is a member of the panel leads and encourages serious discussion following procedures developed by the deans. This discussion might well include descriptions of and praise for the faculty member’s best work, descriptions of and suggestions for improvement of the faculty member’s least successful work, encouragement for and suggestions about the faculty member’s plan for self-directed professional development or plan for future teaching at Evergreen, or a suggestion that the faculty member consider leaving Evergreen. No formal record is made of this meeting.

4. The academic dean assigned to faculty development may delegate to another academic dean the foregoing consultation and developmental review functions for a given faculty member on term contract or visiting faculty member who has completed five quarters of Evergreen teaching, provided that dean does not take part in the review of that faculty member at any time while he or she is on term contract or is a visiting faculty member.

(16) Mid-Contract Termination With Adequate Cause (MCTWAC)

Any faculty member at the college may be dismissed by the college at any time for adequate cause under the provisions of the Mid-Contract Termination With Adequate Cause policy described in section 4.600 of The Evergreen State College Faculty Handbook.

(17) Non-reappointment appeal procedure

(a) A faculty member may appeal a provost's decision of non-reappointment or denial of appointment as a faculty member on continuing appointment only on grounds of a substantial violation of procedure as procedures for reappointment and appointment are specified in this policy.

(b) Within twenty working days of receiving a non-reappointment letter or denial of an appointment as a faculty member on continuing appointment from the provost, the faculty member sends a certified letter to the Executive Vice President of Evergreen requesting an appeal of the provost's decision.

(c) Within twenty working days of the faculty member's request for an appeal, a formal hearing is conducted by an administrative law judge supplied by the state of Washington. The administrative vice-president makes the arrangements for this formal hearing.

(d) At the formal hearing the faculty member and provost present whatever evidence and/or witnesses each pleases concerning whether or not there was a substantial violation of procedure in the non-reappointment or the denial of appointment of the faculty member. The administrative judge directs any further questioning or discussion.

(e) Within seven working days of the end of the hearing, the judge makes his or her decision. The judge writes a letter to the faculty member and to the provost stating his or her decision and sends this letter to each of them by certified mail.

(f) If the judge decides that in the making of the reappointment or appointment decision there was a substantial violation of procedure, then, if time during the current contract year allows, the provost initiates a new reappointment or appointment review of the faculty member. If time during the current contract year does not allow for such a review, then the provost offers the faculty member a new contract of the kind the faculty member presently has -- adjunct faculty member for one quarter, visiting faculty member for two quarters, regular faculty member on term contract for three quarters, etc. -- for the following year during which a new reappointment or appointment review of the faculty member occurs. If the judge decides that in the making of the reappointment or appointment decision there was no substantial violation of procedure, then the provost does not offer any contract to the faculty member or offers a one year terminal contract to the faculty member according to sections (5), (6), (7), and (8) of this policy.

4.300 Faculty Reappointment

Transition Policy for Moving from the policy of no regular faculty appointed to Evening and Weekend Studies, to one that allows this appointment.

This transition policy substitutes for one section of the current policy, 8 (a) #2(b) of Requirements. All other sections of the policy in Requirements and Procedures remain valid. When there is a cohort of 7 continuing faculty teaching in Evening and Weekend Studies, it will be possible to delete this transition policy from the Handbook.

8 (a) Requirements 2 (b):

For regular faculty assigned to Evening and Weekend Studies, the candidate has completed the equivalent of at least nine but not more than eighteen quarters, excluding summer quarters, of half-time teaching in Evening and Weekend Studies at Evergreen within, at most, eight years. The candidate may have completed up to six quarters of teaching previously as a visiting faculty member provided that he or she has voluntarily included in his or her portfolio evaluations of and by his or her students, evaluations of and by his or her faculty teaching partners, a self-evaluation and other evaluative documents for each quarter that he or she was a visitor at Evergreen and now wishes to count as part of this teaching requirement. The candidate has taught with at least four half-time faculty members in Evening and Weekend Studies, at least two of whom are regular faculty members. The deans and provost, acting collectively, may waive one or more of the requirements listed in this paragraph for a particular faculty member. This waiver may be given only as a consequence of extraordinary assignment demands of the Evergreen curriculum.