Leave - Suspended Operations

Effective Date
Associate Vice-President for Human Resource Services
Steve Trotter Acting V.P. Finance and Administration
Submitted to Department Of Personnel - December

Suspended Operations - Procedure

If the President determines that the public health or property or safety is jeopardized and it is advisable due to emergency conditions, (WAC 251-22-240) or inclement weather (WAC 251-22-245), to suspend the operation of all or any portion of the institution , the following will govern classified employees, including excepted work period employees:

(I) Every attempt will be made to determine if the suspension of operation is necessary prior to the beginning of the work day.

(A) Should a situation arise during the night or after the close of the work day, an announcement will be broadcast on local radio stations by 6:00 a.m. of the work day. Employees required to work will be notified either by the broadcast, which will include which operations at the college will be suspended, or directly by their appointing authority.

(B) Should a situation occur during the work day that necessitates suspension of all or a portion of the college operation, the President or designee will notify the appointing authority of the affected area(s) that an emergency exists. It is the responsibility of the appointing authority to notify each affected employee.

(1) When prior notification has not been given, employees released until further notice after reporting to work shall receive a minimum of four hours pay for the first day.

(2) The following options shall be made available to affected employees not required to work for the balance of the closure:
a) Vacation leave, personal holiday, or
b) Accrued compensatory time (where applicable), or
c) Leave without pay, or
d) Reasonable opportunity to make up work time lost as a result of the suspended operation.

(3) Employees required to work shall receive their regular rate of pay for work performed during the period of suspended operation. Overtime worked during the closure will be compensated in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act and WAC 251-09-030. The Human Resource Services office may petition the Director of the Department of Personnel for approval of a special premium pay allowance due to hazardous working conditions encountered by employees required to work during the period of suspended operation.

(4) Employees who lose regular work time as a result of suspended operation may request to work additional hours during the ninety-day period immediately following suspended operation. Compensation for such additional work shall be granted on a compensatory time basis at not less than straight time nor more than time and one-half, in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act. The amount of compensation earned under this section should not exceed the amount of salary lost by the employee due to suspended operation. Management-directed overtime shall be compensated in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act and WAC 251-09-030. Employees may request permission to work outside of their work area and their classification during the first fifteen days of closure. The President, in consultation with other administrators, shall review all such requests and attempt to accommodate such requests if there is a need for services in other areas. Employees who request and receive such transfers shall receive their usual salary for work performed.

(II) These procedures may not be in effect more than fifteen calendar days unless within the fifteen days the Director of Human Resource Services requests and receives approval of an extension by the Director of the Department of Personnel. Such approval is subject to confirmation by the State Personnel Resources Board.

(III) Temporary arrangements will also be made for faculty to meet their program obligations.