Sick Leave: Faculty Employees


***Please note: This section has been superseded by a more recent policy. ***


It is the purpose of this policy to provide financial support to faculty who are in pay status in the form of sick leave from their assigned responsibilities. It is intended that the benefit will cover short-term illness and will act as a supplement to long-term benefits for extended illness or disability.


(1) Faculty employees shall be credited with 210 calendar days sick leave per contract year or for the calendar year for 12-month employees. Sick leave shall be limited to 210 calendar days for any one illness.

(2) Usage of paid sick leave shall not extend beyond the work day in which the employee would ordinarily be on leave of absence without pay because of a contract of less than 12 months.

(3) Coverage under this plan shall be continued should the same illness bridge two contract years. It shall be interrupted at the end of one contract year and shall recommence with the beginning of the new contract year. The balance carried from one contract year to the next, shall be deducted from the 210 calendar days of that next contract year. It is the intention of the plan that the 210 calendar-day maximum be observed both for each instance of illness and for each contract year.

(4) Maternity leaves shall include a maximum usage of paid sick leave of six weeks. The usage shall commence with the birth of the child or earlier should the physician require such. The six weeks may be extended with the stipulation under Procedures (2) below.

(5) In addition to the leave provided under this section, pursuant to the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, eligible faculty shall be entitled to a total of twelve work-weeks of leave during any twelve month period for one or more of the following: disability leave, parental leave, and family medical leave-serious health condition. The college may grant to an employee additional disability leave or parental leave as provided in WAC 251-22-167(11) and 251-22-195(2)(a). Copies of the law and the college's procedures and forms can be picked up in the Human Resources Office.


(1) Employees are to report instances of sick leave to their supervisors.

(2) Should an instance occur that would require absence from assigned duties for more than five work days, a letter may be required from a physician verifying the absence requirement.

(3) Absences of a month or more shall require a written request to be on paid sick leave. Such a request shall have an accompanying letter from the attending physician.

(4) At its own cost, the college may require a second opinion as to the prognosis for recovery.

(5) Prior to the first day an employee reports back to work, a letter of release from the attending physician is required for all absences of a month or more.