Labs and Studios

two students doing wood block carving at a shared table
students and a professor around a table with jars of honey. the professor is giving a demonstration with the honey

Sustainable Agriculture Lab

This lab space is for developing a scientific, cultural and sensory understanding of our food systems. The facility is equipped for hands-on cooking and lab activities, value-added food production, lectures and social gatherings.

Sustainable Agriculture Lab

a person weaving a basket with their hands

Fiber Arts Studio | Paimārire

The 1,800 square foot fiber studio has an open weaving area with flexible teaching space that includes a materials lab for preparing and dyeing fibers, as well as an area for preparation and storage of natural weaving materials. The studio also features an outdoor work area adjacent to a natural dyes garden.

Indigenous Arts Campus

two people squatting to look inside of a 3D printer in the CAL

Computer Labs and Technology

Technology at Evergreen is for everyone at any level studying any subject.

Computer Labs and Technology

two students over a sound and light board in CCAM

Media Services Labs

Available to currently enrolled students and faculty to support academic work, Media Services provides access to state-of-the-art facilities and equipment for undergraduate use. Proficiency in the spaces is usually gained through workshops provided by experienced staff in coordination with program faculty. 

Media Services Labs

the back of a students head, looking over their shoulder at a wood carving they are working on

Visual Arts Facilities

Well-furnished with professional grade equipment and tools, our staffed studios host daytime programs and evening courses, providing opportunities to learn technique and explore thematic content across mediums.

Visual Arts Facilities


Science Labs and Field Facilities

Our indoor and outdoor lab facilities and field resources support study of a wide range of subjects, including biology, chemistry, physics, geology, ecology, sustainable agriculture, food science, forestry, and natural history. 

Science Labs and Field Facilities