Media Services

Offering equipment circulation, technical media instruction, lab and facility support, and production services in audio, video, animation, film and photography for the Evergreen community.

Media Loan

Media Loan lends and provides instructional support for the use of audio, video, photography and presentation equipment to students for their academic work.

Media Loan

Electronic Media

Media Labs and Studios

Evergreen's media labs have professional level equipment so you can get real-world hands-on experience in animation, photography, audio, film and video production.

Production Support

We provide in-person, on-campus support for sound reinforcement, projection, recording and broadcasting.

Electronic Media


Photoland is Evergreen’s center for photography related activities, supporting photography courses and programs while also providing photographic services to other areas of the college and the public.

Photoland is open to all students, faculty, and staff regardless of their enrollment in a course or program along with community member access for people in the broader Olympia community. Access to facilities requires proficiency trainings which are offered regularly throughout the year. Community members can access the space with payment of daily or quarterly membership fees and required proficiency training.

Contact Photoland and learn more about facilities and services at Photoland
Photoland Wordpress

two students over a sound and light board in CCAM

Student Jobs

We're looking for curious people excited to learn about our equipment and services! We pride ourselves on building a diverse and inclusive team that values communication, respect for others and accessibility. 

If you can communicate with people across significant differences, are a creative problem solver, and have a background or interest in teaching or training, contact us. 

More About Media Services Student Jobs