Project Application

Native Creative Development Program™

How to Apply

Apply Online

Upload all materials and complete your Native Creative Development Program (NCDP) application online. Google Forms allows you to save your progress and edit until you’re ready to submit (google account required):

NCDP Project Application (Google Forms)

Apply by Email

  1. Download the NCDP Project Application and complete the form
  2. Title all materials with the document type and your name, e.g., "Artist Statement_Last Name"
  3. Email all application materials to 

NCDP Project Application Download (PDF, 150 KB)

Tip: Documents may be too large and require submitting items in multiple emails. In this case, please include the individual artist’s name (First Name, Last Name) in the subject line of each email. 

Materials to Submit

You will be asked to upload the following documents as a part of the application:

  • Narrative
  • Artist Statement, 1 - 2 paragraphs or less
  • Artist Biography, 1 - 2 pages or less
  • Work Sample images, 5 samples total
  • Work Sample Worksheet
  • Documentation of Tribal affiliation
  • Project Budget, anticipated expenses and income toward the project
  • Supplemental Letter of Support, if your project involves community engagement


Use these templates when submitting your application or create/provide your own:

Individual and Mentorship
Application Timeline

Application OpensAugust 12, 2024
Application ClosesNovember 1, 2024
Award NotificationDecember 15, 2024
Projects BeginJanuary 1, 2025

Application Requirements

Artists should focus on one specific art form. It's important for artists, even those working in multiple art forms, to demonstrate a single area of focus to develop their skills and convey meaningful practice through one artwork, influenced by their connection to their respective Tribal communities.

Application Materials

  • Narrative: Provide a clear project description, duration, and timeline with goals, objectives, and outcomes indicated. 
    • What are the key ideas and goals within your work or studio practice?
    • Describe the process, materials, and visual appearance of your work. 
    • What are the themes or focus of your work (goals, purposes, intentions, explorations)? 
    • What influences (cultural, historical, personal, etc.) are evident in your work? How does your proposed project contribute to the field of Native art?
    • What is the successful outcome of your project?
  • Artist Statement (1 - 2 Paragraphs): A written statement that summarizes the art project and conveys the meaning of a single work, even if it is a part of an entire collection. Share your artistic vision, define your unique voice, and present your work through the story behind your art.
  • Artist Biography (1 - 2 Pages): Tells your story as an artist. It includes details about your background, such as homelands, cultural influences, artistic mediums, and experiences, whether formal or informal, museums or art fairs.
  • Work Samples: Provide up to five artwork images representing your work in the project with a title of each artwork. To ensure the review committee can adequately view the samples, please provide a list of your artwork as follows:
    • Naming Artwork: Use the naming convention:
      "Sample Number"_"Title of Image"_"Artist's Last Name"
      • Name all work samples, even if "Untitled.”
      • Number image files in the order that matches the Work Sample Worksheet.
      • Examples: "1_ChilkatChillin_Logan", "2_BlanketDreams_Logan", "3_RavenBlowingStardust_Logan"
    • Digital Images: All files must be clear and of high resolution in the following formats:.docx (Word), .pdf (Adobe), .jpeg (Image)
    • Video: Incorporate clips with clear images and sound, queuing the video to a specific spot for reviewers to watch. mv4, mp4, Vimeo, YouTube
  • Work Sample Worksheet: Complete a Work Sample Worksheet that describes each work sample related to your proposed project and how it relates to your project. Ensure that both the worksheet and artwork samples correspond to the uploaded images and are viewed correctly. You can access a downloadable template at our website. 
  • Project Budget: Include a breakdown of project expenses and details of additional funding or contributions, such as (in-kind use of studio space and purchased supplies. See the website for the template. You can upload your own or download a template from the House of Welcome’s webpage.
  • Supplemental Letter of Support: If your project involves collaboration with organizations such as museums, art galleries, etc., provide a brief description of the partnership and submit a letter of support from the collaborating organization.

Connect With Us

Mary Kummer | Makah Tribe | 
Program Specialist, s’gʷ gʷiɁ altxʷ House of Welcome